HomeWordpressHow to Improve WordPress Website Performance in 2021

How to Improve WordPress Website Performance in 2021

Website is the most important thing for any business or firm for increasing its traffic and customers. Website development can be done by using many technologies, but the best technology is WordPress. Especially if the website is informative and content related, WordPress is the best choice for website development. The website has changed and improved many businesses in increasing their marketing and building customer trust. WordPress web development plays a vital role in increasing the performance of the business. In this article we will cover some tips and tricks to improve WordPress website performance.

Why should you increase the performance of your WordPress website?

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A slow-functioning admin panel can affect the performance of the WordPress website. Your dashboard can also become challenging to handle.

Other than that, the users won’t wait for a longer time to see your website load. If they are not satisfied with your website, they may leave your website permanently.

As per a study in the past few years, it is seen that if the loading time exceeds 5 seconds maximum, then the alteration rate is more and can decrease if the loading time is 4 seconds.

Ways to Improve the Performance and Speed

Here given below are some of the ways that can help you to improve the work and advance.

Choose a Better Hosting Provider

The primary element that clouts the speed of a website is hosting your WordPress website. It can be a great idea to host your new website on a shared host provider that will provide limitless bandwidth, space, emails, domains, and much more. We miss this hosting because it fails to deliver fast loading time during the traffic.

Shared hosting is not a good choice for your website because it doesn’t give better performance than another hosting provider as it is shared among countless websites. And you don’t even know how strong the servers are optimized.

The web hosting providing technologies have improved, and the price of Cloud hosting has also decreased as the years are passing.

Use a Lightweight WordPress Theme or Framework

WordPress themes that are attractive designs, widgets, elements, sliders, social icons are very eye-catching. But it has a disadvantage because it can indeed cause your web server to take a beating.

So in this case, it is better to use lightweight themes. You can also go for the WordPress default theme. You can also build your framework or theme the same as in the sample website.

Reduce Image Size

Images are the most significant contributors to the consumption speed of the given webpage. The idea is to reduce the size of the image without negotiating the image quality.

If you try to reduce the image size manually using chrome or any photoshop app, it may take a longer time. Eventually, there are many plugins available for everything you think of, including reducing image size.
Minify JS and CSS files

If you run your website through the Google PageSpeed Insight tool, you will be notified about depreciating the JS and CSS files. This means that reducing the size of JS and CSS files can gradually increase the web page’s loading speed.

You can also take guidelines from Google or can edit them manually too. If not, many plugins can help you to come out of this problem.

Use an Advanced Caching Mechanism with a Caching Plugin

WordPress caching plugins are already in the market for a long time. It makes the complex task of adding caching control over your website item easier. Combining such plugins with advanced caching mechanisms can help you to enhance your site-loading speed faster.

Use a CDN

The people visiting your website are from across the world, and the loading speed of your webpage will differ as the location of search is away from the location of your site host. There are many Content Delivery Networks (CDN) that help to set the minimum speed for visitors across the world. A CDN can keep a copy of your website in different data centres located in different places. The primary function of CDN is to provide the webpage to the user from the nearest possible location. There are two main types of popular CDN services Cloudflare and MaxCDN.

Enable GZIP Compression

Compressing files on your local devices can save a lot of disk space. For compressing web files, we can use GZIP compression. This will gradually reduce the bandwidth usage and the time taken to grow access to your website. GZIP compresses numerous files so that whenever a user tries to access the file, their browser will firstly have to unzip the website. This process can bring down the bandwidth usage to a remarkable amount.

Cleanup WordPress Database

Cleaning up unwanted data from your device can keep its size minimum and deduct the size of your backups. It is essential to delete spam comments, fake users, old drafts from your contents, undesirable plugins, and themes. All this can help you to reduce the size of your database and web files.

Deactivate or Remove the Plugins

Keeping unused and unwanted plugins in your WordPress website can bring a terrific amount of junk to your web files. Furthermore, it can also increase your alternate size and put an astounding amount of load on your server while backup files are caused. So it is better to remove the plugins that are not used and go through different third-party services for arranging tasks.

Disable Pingbacks and Trackbacks

These are two core WordPress components that give you alert notification whenever your blog or page receives a link. It is helpful, but you also can use other things like Google Webmaster tools and many other services to go through the links of your website.

Keeping these pingbacks and trackbacks can bring an unwanted amount of load on your server resources. This happens because when anyone links to your website, it will generate a request from WordPress.


The main advantage of improving your website speed and performance is it can improve the user experience. It doesn’t matter if they are using PCs or devices. Because of this, the number of visitors to your website can increase gradually. In this blog, you get to know about the tips to improve your website and also know about the importance of WordPress web development.

If you want to improve the performance and speed of your WordPress website, you can hire a WordPress developer from the best web development company.

I will be glad to know if this blog helped you improve your website’s performance and speed.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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