HomeTechMagento eCommerce Development Trends for 2022

Magento eCommerce Development Trends for 2022

Magento is among the most popular open-source e-commerce platforms in the world. It has been growing in popularity over the years. It is a great platform to build an online store because of its ease of use and flexibility. Therefore, business owners are always looking for a reliable and secured platform to expand their ecommerce business. Popular Magento agencies help businesses design and market their ecommerce stores on Magento. In this write-up, we will be looking at some of the top Magento ecommerce development trends for the year 2022.

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We’ll look at how these trends can help you improve your business by making your website more user-friendly, better at converting visitors into customers, and improving your SEO rankings.

1. Augmented Reality (AR)

Augmented reality (AR) is among the hottest topics right now regarding technology. AR allows users to see virtual objects superimposed onto their real-world environment. This technology has grown so much that many people have started using it to interact with brands they like or products they want to buy.

Augmented reality apps are becoming increasingly popular across all industries, including retail, travel, fashion, gaming, education, healthcare, and even finance. The future looks bright for augmented reality.

2. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

AI systems are getting smarter every day, which means they can learn from data and make predictions based on what they know about the world. The best part about artificial intelligence is that it doesn’t require human intervention. This feature makes it perfect for eCommerce websites because there aren’t any humans involved in the process. One of the AIs used in Magento is chatbots.

Chatbots are chat programs that mimic human conversation. They are used in customer service, sales, marketing, and other business areas. Chatbots are not a new concept, they have been around for sometime. However, they are expected to become very popular in the next few years. Many companies are already starting to implement them into their Magento e-commerce sites.

3. Voice Search Optimization

Voice search optimization is another trend to watch out for in the e-commerce world. Google says that voice searches account for 20% of all searches performed on mobile devices.

By the end of 2022, many Magento eCommerce development trends will have implemented voice search optimization into their websites. If you haven’t implemented it yet, you should start doing it today as customers love voice search for its simplicity in that they do not have to type but rather issue commands.

4. Virtual Reality (VR)

Virtual reality is another hot topic in technology right now. VR headsets allow users to immerse themselves in a completely different experience than usual. For example, if you want to test a product before using it, you could be taken on a virtual tour. While on the tour, you will be able to inspect various features of the item in a real-world experience.

In 2022, virtual reality will continue to grow and become an ever-increasing trend in the world of e-commerce. It may seem like science fiction (Sci-fi), but it’s only a matter of time before virtual reality becomes a common feature in our daily lives.

5. Blockchain Technology

Blockchain is essentially a decentralized database that stores information online. It was invented by Satoshi Nakamoto, who remains anonymous to date. Since then, blockchain has been proliferating, and it is being adopted by businesses worldwide.

One of the most exciting things about blockchain is that it provides secure transactions without the need for third parties such as financial institutions or credit card processors. This feature makes it ideal for e-commerce websites because it eliminates fraud and protects consumers. In addition to this, it also allows for faster processing times.
By the end of this year, most Magento e-commerce sites will accept payments in Bitcoins, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrencies. Some even accept multiple currencies at once!

6. Push Notifications

Push notifications are becoming more prevalent in the modern era. These messages are sent directly to your phone when certain events occur. For instance, if someone buys a product on your website, you can send them a message letting them know. You can also send push notifications when people sign up for your newsletter or when they complete a transaction. You could also send one to entice the customer to purchase your latest offerings at a slashed price.

The use of push notifications will increase dramatically over the next few years. This trend will be a norm for any serious Magento e-commerce owner by the end of the decade. Other technologies related to this include exit-intent popups, similar to push notifications, except they appear after a visitor moves their cursor away from your page.

7. Social Media Marketplace

Social media marketplaces are all the rage these days. They are platforms where buyers and sellers connect to sell products and services. The best part is that there are no fees involved. Several social media marketplaces are available, including Etsy, Facebook Marketplace, Instagram, etc.

There are two main reasons why social media marketplaces will become increasingly popular. One is because people are already spending money on social media apps, and the other is that they spend more time on social media apps than they do on shopping apps.


The above list covers some of the top Magento eCommerce development trends that will impact the Magento e-commerce platform in the coming years. As we move forward into the decade and the future, we will see innovations emerge, and old ones fall by the wayside. However, the above seven trends will remain relevant throughout the next decade.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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