HomeWordpressHow to Use Redirects in a WordPress Websites

How to Use Redirects in a WordPress Websites

Have you ever thought of using redirects on your WordPress website? Redirecting users from one page to another can be a great way to keep them on your site and encourage them to stick around. In this article, we’ll show you how to create and use redirects in WordPress websites, as well as some common uses of redirects.

What Is a Redirect?

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Redirecting a website visitor from one page to another is essential for keeping your website organized and user-friendly. A redirect is like a “back door” that allows you to send a visitor to a specific page on your website without having them leave the site entirely.

Instead of clicking on the “Back” button, they will be taken to the page they were visiting before you redirected them. Two types of redirects are permanent and temporary. A permanent redirect saves and replaces the current URL with the new destination URL. A temporary redirect sends the visitor to the destination URL for a set period (usually 30 minutes). After the timer expires, the visitor is sent back to their original page.

To create a permanent redirect in WordPress, click on “Settings -> General -> Redirects”. You can enter the new URL on this screen, choose a timer interval (30 minutes is standard), and click “Create Redirect.”

To create a temporary redirect in WordPress, click on “Posts -> Add New -> Post”. On this screen, you can enter the new URL and choose a timer interval (30 minutes

How to Create a Redirect in WordPress

Redirecting a website visitor to a different page is essential to web design. By default, WordPress redirects all visitors to the home page if they try to access a page that doesn’t exist.

This tutorial will show you how to create custom redirects in WordPress using the wp_redirect function.

First, create a new file called wp-config.php and add the following line to it:

define(‘WP_REDIRECT’, true);

Next, open your blog’s header.php file and add the following line to define which pages will be redirected:

define( ‘WP_REDIRECT’, true );

What are the Benefits of Using Redirects?

Redirects can be a great way to keep your website users on track. When a user clicks a link that takes them off your website, you can redirect them to the appropriate page. It can help keep them entertained while they are on your website, and it can also help them find the information they are looking for. Additionally, redirects can help you improve search engine rankings by directing people to the correct pages.

How to Setup a Custom Redirect in WordPress

Like most WordPress users, you probably have a few pages on your site that redirect to different couriers based on the user’s location. But what if you want to create a custom redirect for a specific blog post or page on your site? You can easily set up a custom redirect in WordPress by following these steps:

1. Log in to your WordPress site.

2. Click the wp-admin panel link on the top navigation bar, and it will take you to the central administration area of your website.

3. Click the “Settings” link in the left-hand column of the admin screen.

4. On the “Site Settings” screen, click the “Redirects” tab.

5. At the bottom of this screen, you’ll see a field called “Custom Redirect.” Enter the URL you want to use as your
custom redirect in this field, and then click the “OK” button to save your changes.

Now, whenever someone clicks a link on your blog post or page that will take them to a different page or post on your site, WordPress will automatically redirect them using the URL you specified in step 5 above. It is great for.


Redirects are a great way to keep your website running smoothly. When you create and use a redirect in WordPress, it tells the browser to take the user to a different page instead of displaying the old page. It can help fix broken links or redirect users who have lost their way.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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