HomeTechWeb NewsHow Vista’s Thomas Flohr Flipped the World of Private Air Travel and...

How Vista’s Thomas Flohr Flipped the World of Private Air Travel and Why Demand Remains High

Thomas Flohr is the Founder and Chairman of Vista Global Holding (“Vista”), an aviation company that’s reimagined what private air travel can be. In many ways, Flohr’s been on a lifelong career quest to find new ways to bring value to clients, whether by standardizing their experience or creating a company culture that all of his employees can get behind.

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I love to challenge the system,” the Swiss entrepreneur told Barrons. “If something doesn’t make sense, it’s a natural inclination to challenge it.”

Spotting a Gap in the Market

The seeds of Vista were planted when Flohr noticed a clear gap in the aviation industry. Early in his career, he worked in asset finance. While he found the sector relatively stuffy and slow, it did afford him the benefit of private air travel. His travel on private aircraft turned out to be an eye-opening experience.

It wasn’t long before he noticed that one leg of a private trip could look different from another. That kind of variance would be detrimental for any sector, but the consequences were even starker when you consider why executives travel in the first place. Far from private jets being purely an expensive luxury, most travelers don’t have the option of showing up late or unprepared to their destination — especially not after they went out of their way to avoid commercial flights. Flohr told Barrons, “I saw very early on when I entered this industry that it was extremely inefficient and backward-looking. When I see waste, I become ambitious.”

As a numbers guy, Thomas Flohr figured out there were around 22,000 business jets flying very few hours per year. The average commercial plane is in the air for 4,000 hours per year, while the average private jet is in use just 250 hours annually. If he could increase the number of private-jet hours to even 1,250, it would do wonders for the cost per flight of each trip. He decided that by standardizing the process and increasing the efficiency, it would be a transformation in the industry.

Vista is essentially an ecosystem that fills gaps in a broken system. Not only are its operations entirely streamlined, thanks in large part to an impressive network of passengers, it’s made even more efficient by sophisticated AI based logistics technology that optimizes flights (similar to Uber).

What Makes Vista Successful

Every traveler has their reasons for stepping on a plane, and with private air travel, the stakes are high. Flohr turned to private aviation because he knew how important it was for travelers to know what kind of experience they would have when flying. From the atmosphere on board to the communication skills of the staff, customers can count on Vista planes to accommodate their needs and work with them if there’s an issue.

Professionals can fly on Vista without the stress commercial flights can bring. Flohr emphasized to Barrons, “Now, when you take a VistaJet in Tokyo or Kuala Lumpur, you know exactly what you’re getting; it’s like shopping at Cartier.”

Flohr couldn’t make any of this happen without the help of his staff. He’s prioritized maintaining an entrepreneurial culture at Vista. Even after acquisitions and growth, he encourages his employees to think the way they would in a beginning business. Instead of toeing the company line, he encourages employees to speak up about their ideas and be frank if there’s a problem. It’s this kind of discussion and collaboration that’s led the company to success. It fosters a sense of confidence in his staff that they have the freedom to be a part of decisions — particularly when those decisions affect their careers. When it comes to hiring, Thomas Flohr looks for people as entrepreneurial as he is. He believes this is the best way to remain relevant in a rapidly evolving world.

Thanks to Vista, corporations don’t have to buy a jet and waste millions on it. Flohr offers guaranteed availability and on demand services that won’t put a huge dent in the budget compared to aircraft ownership. Flohr envisioned a business where he could improve the global infrastructure in his industry on every continent. While owning a plane is undoubtedly tempting for many, professionals could still enjoy the same services for a much lower price, because they chose to work with a company that can utilize these expensive assets in far more efficient ways.

The Reality of Vista

Flohr has heard plenty of myths about private air travel, the top one being it’s an excess no one needs. He argues that, on the contrary, air travel is vital for busy people who don’t have time to waste watching their bags get searched by a security agent. He aims to provide a home away from home on his flights and guarantees everything from comfort to punctuality.

Flohr’s business reflects a changing mindset about luxury. This isn’t about flaunting one’s wealth, but about getting the best return on investment. “It’s an entire change in thinking,” he told Barrons, “which really started with millennials saying it’s all about the experience, not about the asset. When I got into the industry, it was the beginning of globalization.”

The Chairman’s biggest concern is to continue offering innovative solutions to clients. It’s why he’s built the XO brand, and invested in sharing applications where people can fill the empty seats at an even lower price further broadening the addressable market for private aviation. This ensures every flight is optimized, which results in further cost savings for everyone, as well as lower carbon emissions per flyer.

The Demand for Global Air Travel

Vista has seen a lot of growth since its inception, partly due to Flohr’s business plan, but partially due to continued demand in the market. Flohr believes there’s no reason that demand will drop off, at least through 2023. As Vista’s fleet has grown, so too have the company’s ambitions.

In 2018, Vista acquired XOJET after receiving $200 million from the Rhone Group. Flohr then added JetSmarter. “JetSmarter gave us the technology for more digitalization,” Flohr explained to Barrons. “It’s about having information at your fingertips and booking immediately. You book right there online.”

Flohr also acquired Red Wing Aviation in response to a rapidly changing demographic of private air travelers. Since the pandemic, more people have turned to Flohr’s industry. However, the demand by these newcomers is for smaller aircraft, and Vista didn’t have these available to their customer base prior to the pandemic. Red Wing Aviation, a company specializing in light jet operations, had 15 planes when Flohr acquired it. They were up to over 30 by the end of 2021.

Flohr has long understood that flying is an art form. While safety is always the number one priority, it’s the details that make or break companies that take to the skies. Private air travel affords people the chance to fly where they want, when they want, and without having to deal with large crowds. No matter why passengers choose Vista, they leave with an impression that their experience mattered.
When it comes to customers, Flohr pays attention and adapts. “In the VistaJet cabins, we’re eliminating plastic, moving to bamboo cutlery,” he told Barrons. “It doesn’t feel like an effort, it feels natural. Customers are telling you what they want; you just need to listen to them.”

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