HomeHealthBest Weight Loss Tips for Beginners

Best Weight Loss Tips for Beginners

You must have heard so many lectures on how to lose weight from so many different people. Most of the time, these people are not even health experts. And, now, you are confused about what to do or not to do. Don’t worry. In this article we are going to share some simple and best weight loss tips to help you get rid of obesity.

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Before starting, check your height and weight and decide how much you want to lose. Then, according to your goal, you should proceed.

Let’s start.

1. Eat Your Breakfast, Share Your Lunch, Give Your Dinner To Your Enemy

There are two things that you can do. First, eat a smaller plate for breakfast and a larger on dinner or the other.

A study showed that people tend to lose weight when eating larger meals before 3 p.m. Some alternatives if you are breastfeeding, pregnant, or having any medicines.

Always cut your meals short and try to reduce the gaps.

2. Say Goodbye To Carbs

Carbohydrates consume water, and this water is passed to our bodies. Therefore, when you are planning to lose weight, you should always stay away from carbs. It can also cause acne.

There is glucose stored in our liver and muscles. And these are converted to fat. So cutting carbohydrates from your meal will burn extra fat for energy. In addition, it will reduce the insulin, leading the kidneys to exclude the water bodies from you.

But, always remember, do not push your body to do anything. Cutting carbs in one day can cause health problems. Do it slowly.

3. Keep It Simple And Go Slow

Many of you asked how to lose weight one day. Or what to eat or not. I have suggested many things before and now, but do not push yourself.

Some people are taking more than five thousand calories per day. There are people who eat junk food on a regular basis, but still, they are not overweight. There are also some cases where people take fewer calories but still gain weight.

Before starting your diet, try to understand your body functions. What are the problems causing overweight? Everyone has a different metabolism. So, do not rush.

I have seen people rushing for strict diets, and within a month, they quit. Try to make it simple and slow. Take small steps.

4. Always Stay Hydrated

This is a simple weight loss trick that we have done so many times unintentionally. Always try to drink one glass of water before your meal. We often confuse hunger with thirst.

Drinking a glass of water before a meal will make us eat less. A study showed that people lost more weight who drink water before meals. Sometimes thirst may seem like hunger.

Not only does water makes us full and reduce our appetite. But it boosts our metabolism also. It makes our exercise easier and more efficient.

5. Get Enough Sleep

If we reduce our sleep, it will increase our hunger hormones. Also, it will decrease our satisfaction hormones. And this will lead to weight gain.

A lack of sleep will lead us to intense hunger. And all we want is to eat more salty and sweet foods. And we end up gaining weight.

Decreasing our sleep can affect our emotional health. We may have faced stress and anxiety. And in these situations, we tend to eat more for satisfaction.

6. Exercise

To lose weight, it is essential to burn the extra calories in our bodies. Physical activity on a daily basis is important to burn the stubborn fat in our bodies.

If you are already doing physical activity on a daily basis, then this is not for you. But, if your work is to sit on a chair in front of a laptop. Then try to exercise for at least 30 to 45 minutes daily.

This will not only take care of your physical fitness but also will help you to burn extra calories. In addition, daily exercise makes our mental health good.

7. Slow And Enjoy

Always remember the more you chew your food, the more your digestive systems work well. So eat slowly and enjoy the last piece of your food. People who do not chew their food well tend to increase their weight faster, which is unhealthy.

Our elders say chew at least 32 times. You don’t have to chew until the whole food gets mashed up. Eating slowly allows us to know if we are full.

8. Always Keep Balance

You can make a chart of your diet. Like when, what to eat, and how many calories you will take. You can count all these data, and this information will guide you to maintain a balanced diet.

Remember, a balanced diet is not about cutting foods from your meal. It is about every kind of food in proper quantity and proportion. Our body requires carbs, proteins, vitamins, minerals also fats.

So, you need every kind of food, but in a proper quantity.

Other Important Tips

The weight loss tips mentioned earlier are enough for regular people. But some people want to be fit and maintain a strict diet.

• Vitamin B5, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B complex, and Vitamin C increase metabolism. Also, you can drink liquid vitamins. These are very effective.
• Try to eat food that consists of more fiber in it. This is because there are so many fiber foods that you can eat, like bread, brown rice, pasta, peas, beans, oats, etc.
• Always remember that eating junk food is not going to take you anywhere. Try to avoid it.
• Try to eat as many vegetables and fruits as well. Not only do these foods contain low calories, but there are so many vitamins and minerals.
• Forget eating salts and sugars.

To Conclude

So, these were some of the best and easy weight loss tips a beginner shoould try. In conclusion, I have one last thing to say.

Just make sure you are progressing. Weigh yourself in a few days or maybe once a week. It will confirm your progress or not. Then, you can work on it.

Please feel free to comment on your situation. I am happy to share my thoughts and opinions.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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