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Remittances to the Philippines Could Never Be More Rewarding – Learn What ACE Money Transfer Has Come Up With!

How about winning one of the 9 iPhone 14 Plus or one of the 3 Honda Click 160 Motorbikes as a result of your fee-free online money transfer to Philippines with ACE Money Transfer?

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Do not doubt what you just read!

It is true.

ACE Money Transfer has launched another exciting campaign for Filipino migrants residing in the UK, Europe, Canada, Australia, and Switzerland. Filipino migrants living in these countries can participate in this exciting campaign and stand a chance to win amazing prizes in the following lucky draws.

The firm has made its current campaign even more exciting by offering rewards for both the senders as well as the beneficiaries of remittances this time. The iPhones will be given to Filipino expats while their loved ones back home will win Honda Click 160 motorcycles.

The best part of the campaign is the easy way to participate in it.
Read on to learn all the details about the campaign, participation and how to win prizes.

An Insight Into The Background

One of the leading online money transfer companies, ACE Money Transfer, has a tradition of facilitating its valued customers both through its services and promotional campaigns.

This current campaign is only an extension of the firm’s legacy of facilitating its customers.

A brief analysis of the past campaigns by ACE Money Transfer will reveal that the firm keeps a close eye on migrants from developing countries and how they suffer financially. Therefore, it launches such campaigns at times when migrants need them the most.

One will also realise that the campaigns are designed in a manner that complements the needs and requirements of those the firm designs these campaigns for.

This current campaign is designed for Filipino migrants and is a practical manifestation of the firm’s understanding of their challenges.

Let’s take a look at some of the reasons why Filipinos travel to developed countries for better job opportunities.

Common Reasons Why Filipinos Want To Work Abroad

It is never easy to leave one’s family behind and travel abroad to earn a living. It has several downsides. It means you will not see your children grow. You will only connect with them through calls, SMS, video chats, etc.
But the reason for going abroad outweighs all the downsides of expatriation put together.

It is the financial constraints whose presence can potentially make life difficult. It is one of the primary reasons for expatriating for anyone.

A few reasons for Filipino migrants are, however, discussed below.

Political Instability

Many people in the country lack confidence in the government’s ability and strength to ensure political stability, which is essential for a country’s economic strength.
It drives many Filipinos abroad, who believe that the grass is greener elsewhere but in the Philippines!

High Unemployment

The high unemployment rate in the Philippines is a chronic problem in the country. About a million fresh graduates enter the job market in the country annually but end up joining the labour force. Even experienced workers cannot find suitable work due to low wages and benefits.

Low Salaries And Wages

The salary structure in the Philippines is generally low. The jobs that are in high demand, like nurses, doctors, engineers, etc., in different parts of the country are poorly paid. Even one faces discrimination based on where one graduated from or the age limit.

Available Jobs Are Mostly Contractual

With a lack of employment opportunities comes job uncertainty. Many employers offer contractual jobs to those seeking work. However, Filipinos are contended to receive the basic salary so long as their jobs are secure. But in most cases, job insecurity is rampant.

Lack Of Benefits For Workers

Since most jobs are offered under contractual arrangements, the benefits that should come with them are non-existent. Almost all the employees are offered no health benefits or the necessary accident insurance. So, in case of an emergency, they have to rely on their meager resources alone.

The Economy Of The Philippines

# A World Bank report said that the nominal GDP of the Philippines in 2021 was $394.09 billion.
# The country had a GDP per capita income of $3,460.5 in 2021, according to another World Bank report.

The Dropping Inward Remittances

Not only the Philippines, but remittances serve every developing country as a financial lifeline. Almost every country receives remittances to the tune of multi-billion annually. But the Philippines, despite having one of the largest diaspora populations worldwide of around 10 million, received only $9.07 billion in 2022, according to the World Bank.

The quantum of remittances was significantly lower than $36.69 billion in the preceding year, according to another World Bank report.

Considering all of these issues leading to the financial challenges of Filipinos, ACE Money Transfer has launched this exciting campaign to facilitate them.

A Look Into The Campaign

Filipino migrants living in the UK, Europe, Canada, Switzerland, and Australia can stand a chance to participate in this campaign if they send money to the Philippines through ACE Money Transfer as cash, to banks, wallets or as a top-up.

You can learn more about this enticing promotion by reading its Terms & Conditions so that you can ensure optimum participation and win massive rewards besides benefiting from the Fee-Free Transfers.

The Campaign Duration

The campaign starts on the 1st of June, 2023 and will stay live till the 31st of August, 2023. The total campaign span is 3 months.

The Prizes

9 iPhone 14 Plus and 3 Honda Click 160 motorcycles are being doled out as prizes. All brand-new.
The phones will be given to the remitters who send money to the Philippines from the listed countries, and bikes will be given to the recipients.

Remitters will, however, nominate the winners to collect bikes should they win.

Winning The Prizes

Filipino migrants must keep sending money regularly across the campaign duration to increase their chances of winning prizes in the lucky draws. Since all transfers are fee-free, there is no need to make several transfers in just one day.

ACE Money Transfer – Easing You Off Financially

Filipino migrants will spend money to buy phones or bikes otherwise. Right? But a few simple fee-free money transfers in the ways explained above can help them win these as prizes! Why wait, then? Grab yours now!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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