HomeBlogBest Blogs for Getting the Know-How of Singapore

Best Blogs for Getting the Know-How of Singapore

Far-flung destinations can be a bit daunting for tourists, but with the power of the internet, these days we can find out a lot about the country we’re visiting before we even book the flight! Singapore has come a long way from being a mere stopover on long haul flights further east. Its vibrant mixture of cultures and lots of must-see attractions make it a popular vacation spot.

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credit: HooLengSiong

Blogging in Singapore is massive, with an estimated 100,000 bloggers, many of whom are professional. The annual Blog Awards are sponsored by Panasonic and offer winners great prizes (this year’s total prizes were valued at $30,000).


Singapore’s No.1 Leading Travel Blog, TravelerFolio offers insight into a lot of South East Asia, but is particularly useful for information about the attractions of Singapore. The writer, Eunice Khong is an award-winning blogger who has built a good reputation for her honest travel writing and commitment to blogging. There is a wealth of useful material here.


LadyIronChef was voted Asia Pacific’s Best Food Blog 2011 and features Singaporean cuisine. A great rundown of restaurants on the island, with honest reviews and photographs. Lady Iron Chef is a strange name, given that the blog is written by a young man – Brad Lau who has blogged since 2007. He is also a professional photographer, so the photos are great! Of particular note are his ‘Best of’ lists that are really useful if you’re after something specific.

Singapore Daily

Singapore Daily has the slogan ‘what everyone is talking about’ and offers an alternative news medium. It harnesses the insight of the citizens of Singapore and allows them to contribute articles such as: Life of a Singaporean Cabby and collates interesting Singapore-based articles from across the internet, such as “Why It’s Great to be a Singaporean”. The blog also has great artwork from around the city, depicting daily life.


BritinSingapore, written by Poppy – an expat from Wales is a lively and self-deprecating blog which really gives a home-grown view of living and working in exotic climes. It highlights, in a rather cutely comic way, the cultural differences you might encounter when visiting the country. It talks about the similarities too – particularly amusing is how the Singaporeans aren’t satisfied with their public transport (despite Poppy reporting that it is approximately 100 times better than ours here in the UK!).

Living in Sin Blog

Another British expat, the writer of the Living in Sin blog won a medal in the Expat Blogs in Singapore in 2012. This lady has moved around a lot, so she has a cosmopolitan view of things and, being so well-travelled, she has experienced life around the globe. Her section for expats in Singapore is actually really helpful even for a short trip to the island. Interesting articles include what do buy in Singapore rather than bringing from home, and vice versa.


SingaporeActually is a cleverly titled blog and is dedicated to food, travel, culture and what life is really like on “this tiny island”. Her segment on being a tourist in her own country offers tourists a real evaluation of the various tourist hotspots and eateries. It really is a very comprehensive blog that should have you feeling like you know the city before you even get off the plane (which will be a pleasure – Changi is one of the nicest airports in the world!). Nicest of all, she has a list of 100 reasons to be happy in Singapore. Can you tick them all off the list when you visit?


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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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