HomeBlogCSS Magic | Achieving Javascript Effects Using Only CSS & CSS3

CSS Magic | Achieving Javascript Effects Using Only CSS & CSS3

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CSS or Cascading Style Sheets (CSS), is a style sheet language which is used to describe the presentation of semantics (or , the look and formatting) of a document which is written up in a markup language.

It is the most common application by which to style web pages that are written in HTMLand XHTML, but the language itself can also be applied to any kind of XML document, including plain XML, SVG and XUL.

Primarily, CSS is designed to enable the separation of document content (written in HTML or a similar markup language) from document presentation, including elements such as the layout, colors, and fonts. This separation can improve content accessibility, provide more flexibility and control in the specification of presentation characteristics, enable multiple pages to share formatting, and reduce complexity and repetition in the structural content (such as by allowing for tableless web design).

CSS can also allow the same markup page to be presented in different styles for different rendering methods, such as on-screen, in print, by voice (when read out by a speech-based browser or screen reader) and on Braille-based, tactile devices.

While the author of a document typically links that document to a CSS style sheet, readers can use a different style sheet, perhaps one on their own computer, to override the one the author has specified.

CSS specifies a priority scheme to determine which style rules apply if more than one rule matches against a particular element. In this so-called cascade, priorities or weights are calculated and assigned to rules, so that the results are predictable.

Prior to CSS, nearly all of the presentational attributes of HTML documents were contained within the HTML markup, such as : font colors, background styles, element alignments, borders and sizes, had to be explicitly described and quite often repeatedly, within the HTML. CSS allows authors to move much of that information to a separate style sheet resulting in considerably simpler HTML markup.

In this article we have gathered a few of the best CSS & CSS3 tutorials depicting various methods by which one can substitute Javascript ( which weighs down site load time ) with CSS and achieve the same results without the end user being able to differentiate whether it is Javascript or CSS rendering the same effect.

The potential use of CSS & CSS3 is limitless and only bound to ones imagination , and the tutorials provided below depict just that : The Magic of CSS !
Enjoy .

1. Sexy Css3 Menu

Sexy CSS3 Menu

2. CSS3 Dropdown Menu

CSS3 Dropdown Menu

3. Awesome CSS3 Buttons

Awesome CSS3 Buttons

4. Cool Sprites

Cool Sprites

5. CSS3 Image Styles

CSS3 Image Style

6. CSS3 Rounded Image With jQuery

CSS3 Rounded Image With jQuery

7. Awesome Button With CSS3 and RGBA

Super Awesome buttons

8. Sexy Sliding Image Gallery In Pure CSS3

Sexy Sliding Image gallery in pure css3

9. Sexy Image Effect Like Flash In Pure CSS3

Sexy Image effect like Flash In pure CSS3

10 Creating A PHP & CSS3 About Page

About Page With CSS3

11 Spinning Newspapers With CSS3

Spinning news paper

12. CSS3 @font-face Design Guide

Css3 Font Face Design Guide

13. Create A CSS3 Image Gallery With 3D Lightbox Animation

Create A CSS3 Image Gallery With 3D Lightbox Animation

14. Create A Grid Based Web Design In HTML5 CSS3

Grid Based HTML5 CSS3

15. Apple.Com Navigation Menu

Apple Menu

16. Fluid Squares

Fluid Square

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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