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6 Tips for Designing a Stellar Logo

Logos are the graphical representation of a company’s identity. This small symbol is so important that it can influence a customer’s perception about your company or brand, a buyer’s purchase decision, and overall opinion about a product or service. Thus, you need an effective and catchy logo that attracts your audience while at the same time also conveys your brand’s message effortlessly.

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However, designing such logo is not a child’s play. Don’t despair, we have compiled 6 best logo designing tips that will help you come up with a creative and compelling logo.

1. Understand the Brand

The first step to building a killer logo is understanding the brand. Logo is not only an image rather an introduction to your brand. So, when designing logo, the brand message must come out clearly and strongly without any confusion. You need to understand the brand ideology and what kind of audience it aspires to attract and then come out with a detailed and intricate logo design that catches the eye and conveys the message in the most simplest form. You can take inspiration from legendary logos like Apple, Wikipedia, to name a few.

For Instance

If we take a look at Wikipedia logo, it shows an unfinished globe of puzzle pieces. And not to miss, all puzzle pieces have glyphs and these gyphs represent different writing systems. Similarly, if we take a look at Apple’s logo, it is cleverly designed as it shows apple but the fruit is missing a bite. Without the missing bite, the apple is just a boring silhouette, it’s only the missing bite that drives the deeper meaning (computers and bytes). With just an added twist on the apple,
the symbol has become iconic.

Both the classic logos have one thing in common they are simple logos but with an added twist that perfectly complements their brand ideology.

2. Stick to Simplicity

As famously quoted- “Through simplicity comes great beauty”, well most of the times it is the simplest of logo designs that catches attention.
When designing logo, stick to the rule KISS (Keep it simple stupid). Simple and powerful makes best of the logos and always stand the test of time.

If your logo is complicated no matter how good it looks, it will be difficult to identify and would lack efficacy. Simple logos are effective and have better chances of being recognized as they are more easily remembered. Take example of any established brands, they all have the most simple yet memorable logo.

Though majority of brands, tweak their logos slightly as the brand progresses but it is good to keep the changes to the minimal. When you make drastic changes in an already well-recognized logo then it can confuse your audience. So, sticking to the original logo and just doing minimal changes in the same as and when required is a great idea.

3. Color is important

When picking color for you logo, you need to take the brand’s personality into account. Each color conveys a different meaning and has a different implication, so just because a color looks good or is your preferred choice, you cannot include it in your logo design. To help you pick the right color for your logo, here is a quick break-down:

Black- If your brand message is all about strength, elegance and power then black makes a good option.
Red-If you want to communicate boldness, brightness and enthusiasm then red is your best bet.
White- White conveys purity, elegance, and simplicity.
Pink- This color is a symbol of feminism, fun, and cheerfulness.
Green- Color symbolizes growth, Eco-friendliness and friendliness.

So, remember you need to understand the psychology behind the colors before using them in logo.

4. Versatility

A great logo is versatile and easily works across several platforms and applications. To make your logo versatile, you need to design it in vector format so that it can be scaled to any size. A well-designed logo, looks good even when it is reduced to stamp size or enlarged as large as a billboard without losing the quality. Vector logos are flexible, scalable and give output to any image format including jpg, png, tiff, gif, etc. Moreover, your logo should look good in both black & white as well as color. So, when you are designing your logo, you need to keep in mind that versatility is the key.

5. Think about Negative Space

Utilizing negative space in a logo in some clever way also helps you in designing a unique logo for your business. Negative space refers to the art of using the space in or around an object to creatively form another shape within the logo. A logo with a negative space is no less than a masterpiece, as it grabs the attention of the audience and make them think twice to discover the hidden clue. Such logos are brilliant, witty and conveys a deeper meaning.

There are many successful logo designs with the use of negative space but let me share example of my favorite one.

For Example- FedEx- The Fedex logo is the finest example of logo with the use of negative space. The logo has won more than 40 design awards and has been ranked as one of the best logos in the history of logo designing. Let’s take a closer look at this logo.

The Fedex logo features the words ‘FedEx’, in first glance the logo looks simple and clean but there is more to it. If you take a closer look at the space between E and the X, you will notice a little arrow hidden within it. This arrow symbolizes FedEx’s accuracy and fast speed. So, the designer has made use of negative space in a creative and clever way.

6. Use Online Tools and Resources

While designing logo, if you want to draw some inspiration or looking for some assistance then with little research you can find lot of useful log maker tools online.

Wrapping up- Logo is the most important branding tool for every business irrespective of its size and type. It takes lot of research, designing experience, knowledge of business and its target audience to design a memorable logo. Besides, follow the above mentioned logo design tips and you will surely come with a stellar logo design. Goodluck!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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