HomeBlogWhy Laravel is the Best PHP Framework

Why Laravel is the Best PHP Framework

I know, I know question must be rolling around your head why I adore just Laravel and not other PHP frameworks like CakePHP, CodeIgniter, Symfony, Zend, and Yii. Each of them has their individual pros and cons but Laravel is something that has amazed me for all of the vertical solutions so far.

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laravel framework

Laravel Development has mind-boggling highlights prompted immense fame, which is the reason organizations are settling on its non-stopping development. With Laravel, PHP framework is an easy get through a capable and powerful line interface, versatile and simple to utilize in addition to a lot of modules intended to fill a particular need.

What more a Laravel Developer need? – More perks of using Laravel into your solution are mentioned below –

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Easy Peasy Authorization Implementation

Laravel itself has pretty and simple authorization configuration. To follow it is the techniques are super easy as sliding from the slope. Not just for users, even programmers can use framework for establishing authorization logic and managing access to the resources is an uncomplicated way.

Support to Model View Controller

With a clear view of logic and presentation of language, Laravel aid to boost up the performance, permit better documentation and provides many inbuilt functionalities. Once a request is yielded, it is instantly routed to Laravel Controller. The interaction of both, results in the outcome view.


Plenty of libraries of object-oriented and other pre-installed are available in Laravel, which clearly makes it a prominent choice out of all others. Authentication library features like password reset, checking active users, Bcrypt hashing, encryption, and CSRF protection are not hidden which leads very helpful to provide security.


Yes, I am talking about Database Migration. No touch tasks and steps need to be performed to sync the database, as Laravel database migration is flawless. It is very comfortable to migrate the modification even when the solution is tailored in another development platform. Must try!

Directory Structure

When a platform is catering directory structure, then why need to do modifications in it. Same goes for Laravel. Also, the changes to the default structure are even easy. You will be surprised to know that it obeys PSR-4 autoloading standards.

Artisan CLI

Want to create own customized commands to create controller, seed database and run unit testing based on the project? Artisan CLI is at your rescue.


Automated tasks are run with the support of Elixir, a gulp wrapper. It automates main processes of the task of compiling SASS/LESS, minimizing scripts/CSS and testing on PHPUnit tests.


A tool used for PHP deployment, also let Laravel applications run. It is cool to manage the updated code and also easy to maintain code repositories and clone appropriate folders.

Round-Clock Guidance

Laracasts, one of the most in-demand Laravel tutorial site, regularly updated with new tutorials and content to help the developers to view the help and solve their queries. Video documentation is also available.

Now you may too acknowledge and support me for Laravel to be the prominent choice, or may you too be one of the fan following now.

Many of my Laravel developers as colleagues continuously help to excel my boundaries of understanding Laravel framework in techy as well non-techy ways. Summing up to, that these all are my lookouts, your may be positive or may be negative in some perspective. So, be wiser as per your desire to take the decision for the right choice.

Wrapping Up

In the present business-driven world, it is a difficult errand to pick the framework for your business from the numerous accessible alternatives. Decision of the right platform and technology resembles a benefit for your online presence and user interaction and experience, where a minor carelessness or a wrong advance can cause negative outcomes.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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