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Why Link Building is an Important Key to your Marketing Success

Despite the attempts by Google the last several years to downplay link building strategies, SEO professionals continue to recognize the need to create a solid link structure both within and to each website. Moz recently discovered that of the top search results for more than 15,000 keywords, 99.2 percent of the sites had at least one external link. Along with giving a boost to your SEO, link building is an essential key to a successful marketing campaign for these four reasons.

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Do’s and Dont’s For Link Building Strategies
How to Get Quality Links to Your Blog

To Build Relationships

One aspect of link building is the continuous outreach to other sites in your industry and niche. A shared objective of reaching out to other companies in your industry is to get a link back to your site. However, there is more to it than this. Outreach can help you establish critical relationships with influencers in your industry and help your company become a respected and trusted source for your target audience. This is in and of itself extremely valuable because you are creating genuine advocates for your business.

Gaining Referral Traffic

website traffic
When you can establish a link on a high authority site in your industry, you can expand your reach and exposure to a whole new audience base. A good link from a highly-visited site can lead to your website seeing an increase in traffic. Linking to a relevant website means that the traffic you gain will also be relevant, which can lead to a rise in sales. The value of the link goes far beyond the SEO, making connections with customers that can help your business grow.

Building Your Brand

building a brand
An excellent link building service can help you develop your brand’s awareness and establish you as an authority in your industry and niche. Some of the link building strategies, like content creation, can help show your audience the expertise of your company. This goes a long way for building your brand. For example, if you develop a piece of content that is based on data from your industry and then publish it, you increase your chances of becoming well-known in your industry. As you reach out to other companies to try and get links to the content, you are showcasing your expertise in your industry and asking others in the industry to help spread the word.

Ranking Higher on Search Engines

With Google getting over 100 billion searches every month, according to data released by HubSpot, getting a higher ranking on their page is extremely important for businesses. Link building continues to be one of the top ways a website is ranked. The more quality backlinks you have to both external and internal pages, the faster your pages will get indexed by the top search engines. If you’re in the market for rapid growth and pro-active marketing a solid link building strategy is the way to go.

Read Also — Tips for Enhancing the WordPress Websites’ Visibility on Top Search Engines

Every business content marketing strategy should include link building in the campaign. Not only will link building help your website get discovered by more customers but can help you establish yourself as an authority in your industry.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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