HomeEducation4 Ways to Keep Hospital Environments Clean and Sanitary

4 Ways to Keep Hospital Environments Clean and Sanitary

Hospitals are facilities where sick and potentially immuno-compromised patients are treated in order for them to recover. As such, the hospital’s staff and administration have a responsibility to keep their hospital as clean and as sterile as possible. Here are some of the ways they can do just that.

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Ways to Keep Hospital Environments Clean and Sanitary

Surgical tools and implements, especially those that are needed for highly-invasive and life-saving procedures, absolutely need to be sanitized and sterilized as often and as thoroughly as possible. If these tools are not properly cleaned before usage, then the hospital runs the very real risk of patients getting life-threatening infections or complications during or after their procedure.

However, surgical tools can be delicate, especially those that involve electric components. Exposing these components to thorough cleaning methods can result in them being damaged or rendered useless, either due to corrosion or water damage.

As such, the hospital needs to procure surgical power tools with autoclavable and sterilizable miniature motors. These miniature motorsare specifically designed to withstand repeated exposures to steam, heat and moisture, which are necessary for complete and thorough cleaning and sterilization. In procuring these tools, the hospital can ensure that every surgical procedure performed within its halls is done with sterilized tools, thus maximizing the chances of safe and successful medical and surgical procedures.

Train all hospital staff in proper hygiene procedures

While frequent and thorough cleaning of tools, furnishings, and surfaces can go a long way in keeping hospital environments up to sanitary standards, all that effort can be for naught if the hospital’s staff are lax when it comes to proper hygiene or self-cleaning procedures. These procedures may include the following (but are not limited to):

• Properly and thoroughly washing hands before and after cleaning, handling sensitive material or potential biological contaminants, dealing with vulnerable patients, or stepping into sterilized rooms or areas
• Properly disinfecting hands with hand sanitizer in a frequent and diligent manner
• Properly and promptly disposing of disposable protective gearsuch as gloves, scrubs, and syringes after use

No matter how thorough the cleaning or sterilization efforts are in the hospital, it only takes one errant member of the hospital staff to unknowingly spread germs and pathogens all over. As such, it’s recommended that all staff are trained to follow hygiene and cleansing procedures rigidly and diligently, with yearly or seasonal training refreshers.

New hires should especially be put through a mandatory and exhaustive training program before being asked to work on the floor. This is to instill these practices as habits to keep for the remainder of their career. Visible reminders of proper hygiene practices posted about the hospital can also be beneficial in this regard.

Ensure that all staff have cleaning supplies and disinfectant within easy reach

It’s important for all members of the staff, and not just the cleaning staff, to have easy access to cleaning supplies and disinfectant. Nurses in particular should not have to leave a patient’s quarters in order to fetch a bucket or mop from a utility room, especially during accidental spills of potentially hazardous material (bodily fluids, waste). Such a scenario can prove to be a frequent source of contamination. A nurse should be able to do on-the-spot cleanup immediately before having to contact cleaning staff for a more thorough cleaning.

One particular piece of cleaning equipment that should always be within easy reach of staff is an ample amount of disposable disinfectant wipes. Disposable wipes are very convenient, as they can quickly and easily clean and disinfect hard surfaces that can harbor germs and other pathogens. They can also be used as a way to further disinfect freshly-cleaned tools or surfaces as a secondary sterilizing measure.

Ensure that cleaning staff are trained and well-equipped to handle their duties, especially when it involves areas that carry a very high risk of infection
All hospitals currently in operation should always have a cleaning staff on hand at all times—not just for routine cleaning but also in case of emergencies and accidental spills. This ensures that that the hospital grounds are as hygienic and sterile as possible.

Besides that, hospitals need to ensure that their cleaning staff actually has the skills and competencies required to thoroughly clean the areas that they’re assigned to, especially those that carry a very high risk of contamination or infection if not cleaned properly. Such areas include the operating theaters, accident and emergency departments, and intensive care units. Other areas that need careful attention are the general wards, sterile supply storage areas, and the public toilets.

Finally, the hospital should also ensure that their cleaning staff has the working equipment and supplies they need to perform their tasks. Having incomplete or faulty equipment while also having inadequate supplies could result in improper cleaning.


Hospitals and health care providers need to always be on the ball when keeping their facilities clean and sanitary, as failure to do so can result in the health of their patients getting compromised due to germs, pathogens and infections. By implementing the measures listed above, hospitals can ensure that their patients are kept safe and allowed to recover from their condition or disease.

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