HomeBlogThe Ultimate Guide to Roofing Marketing

The Ultimate Guide to Roofing Marketing

If you’re a roofer, you know how to do everything from fixing a leak in the ceiling to cleaning a chimney. Being on a roof feels like solid ground to you and there aren’t many fallen trees or faulty shingles you can’t take care of.

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When it comes to marketing your services, though, that’s a different story. Managing a marketing campaign has nothing to do with getting on a roof and restoring a family’s home.

Still, the two go hand in hand if you want to have a successful business. Your skills need the right roofing marketing in order to build your client list, and great marketing depends on exceptional roofing results to back it up.
guide to roofing marketing

As much of a challenge as this may seem for you to take on, remember, you’ve already got the roofing side covered. Now, you just have to figure out what marketing is all about.

Here’s how you can do that!

Upgrade Your Website

upgrade your website
These days, most marketing campaigns are operated from a digital platform. You’re probably aware of this already if you have a company website up and running. But, ask yourself how valuable your website really is.

It’s not enough to buy a domain name and slap some contact information on the homepage of your website. You need to make it interesting and engaging and optimize it if you want the best roofing advertising results.

Optimizing means making your site mobile-friendly, cutting down the load times, and increasing the content you create on it. It means using link building and opt-in forms to your advantage, and knowing how to rank among the top ten spots on a SERP (Search Engine Results Page).

Your rank ensures that when someone searches for a term like “residential roofing services” or “local commercial roofer”, your website comes up. It’s not the easiest thing to do, but it’s incredibly worthwhile to learn about and start using in your campaigns.

Start a Blog

How can you make sure you have enough content to rank in the top ten and stay there? By starting a blog. Keep in mind there’s much more that goes into ranking than publishing new content, but, a blog does help you use many SEO tools at once.

When you have a blog, you’re able to focus on link building, establish authority, stay relevant in the minds of users, and reach new customers. This is all possible with the help of valuable, interesting content.

Such content is created with your ideal customer in mind. Think about the common questions clients ask you and what they need to know to take care of their roof. Talk about things like storm preparations and damage repairs, the changing of the seasons, and even small DIY roofing projects.

All of these things create a conversation with your audience, which is what roofing marketing of any form ultimately comes down to. More so, it makes you stand out in the eyes of search bots, which are what control how well you perform online.

Oh, and a blog provides you with evergreen content in the long-run. A lot of what you write now can be recycled later to create even more marketing opportunities.

Use Social Media to Your Advantage

To recycle content means to pull something that’s already been published and display it in a new light on a different digital platform. For example, you can take a blog post from two months ago and use it in your social media calendar for the upcoming month, or feature it in your email blast.

Let’s focus on social media for now. Chances are, you’re part of the 77% of Americans who use social media for personal reasons. Now, it’s time to start leveraging it as a roofing marketing tool.

Create a social media account for your business. Focus on one or two platforms at first, like Facebook and Instagram or Twitter and Facebook. From there, start engaging with your audience and publishing content, kind of like you would for your own accounts.

The difference between talking about your business on a personal page and creating a professional account for it, though, is pretty big. A professional account allows you to pay for social ads, target your audience, and schedule your posts. It turns social media into an incredible tool for your roofing advertisement campaigns.

Invest in Print Marketing

print marketing
The next marketing tool to take advantage of is print marketing. As beneficial as a digital campaign is, it doesn’t cover all your bases. You need to support online efforts with print roofing marketing ideas like business cards and banners.

Think about how many times you buy a cup of coffee in the morning or go out for lunch and talk to someone about your business. Why aren’t you handing people business cards during such interactions? Not every card will result in a conversion, but it’s better to be prepared than to let such opportunities pass you by.

Banners and brochures work in the same way.

Say you have a big project at a certain site that you know you’re going to be working on for a while. Ask the owner of the property if you can hang a banner on their building while you work. This creates a huge amount of exposure for you as people drive by and see the kinds of services you can offer.

You can also use banners when sponsoring a local event like a charity drive or a holiday 5K. Keep a few brochures in your truck just in case, and watch how well a few print marketing tools work out for you.

Take Your Roofing Marketing Performance to the Next Level

Maybe you’ve already invested in a new web designer to fix up your website or start managing a blog for you. Maybe you’ve tried using social media for your roofing marketing before, but you couldn’t get a handle on how to use it.

Not to worry, it takes a bit of time to see the returns you want and make a name for yourself. But, the key is to start trying new things to support your marketing efforts until something sticks.

For more marketing and advertising tips and tricks, click here.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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