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Is there Still Value in Marketing Your Tech Company with Old School Methods

Marketing is vital if any company is to survive. After all, it can seem like they must appeal to as many people as possible to maximise the customer awareness for their brand. In the end, most assume that word needs to get out there, far, wide and fast. However, this isn’t entirely the truth, and this kind of mindset can teach your tech company to run before it can walk!

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marketing your tech company

Old school methods can wrongly seem to cripple this potential, but it couldn’t be further from the truth. Try not to think of older marketing methods as obsolete but frame them as a back to basics approach. There are still a variety of useful applications for marketing methods that today are less traditional in a digital world. We look at some of their uses below.

Going Local

Sure, as a tech company, you could busy yourself only trying to appeal to your people online. It’s where your audience is, right, so SEO must be the only answer? Nevertheless, the best kinds of companies don’t just appeal to an audience that’s already out there; they also convert others to their cause and have roots. Someone may need your services the next street away from you, but not be quite as ‘tech savvy’ to get online and find you!
Leaflets, newspaper adverts, letters, posters; any physical piece of marketing is a plus if you’re an SME trying to appeal to a localised area. It’s personalised, can show off some stunning artistry, and really show that your company isn’t afraid to do things a little differently to ensure you’re heard. By using a door-to-door marketing service, your tech company has a friendlier face instead of a mechanical personality!

Appealing to an Older Audience

Unfortunately, it’s well documented that older people tend to struggle with technology, and that this demographic is getting little support in this area. Moreover, some elderly folks simply have no interest in technology, assuming it to be a young person’s game alone. Of course, this isn’t true for everybody, and things can potentially be turned around with some old school understanding.

Old school marketing methods can inform older folks that though technology is impressive, it’s not wholly worlds apart from the world they once knew. You can tap into nostalgia and break down some of the stigma surrounding computers, helping to make them seem like a tangible product than an incomprehensible machine. In the end, ‘old school’ can appeal to older demographics!

Cheaper Costs

Whacking out a few leaflets and posters will always be cheaper than launching full blown online marketing campaigns. There’s less admin and general faff, and you can simply get down to business as a person with other people. You don’t have to back up systems and monitor site traffic, you just put your cards on the table and let lady luck do the rest.

While you might appeal to fewer amounts of people, saving money in marketing is always a plus. There’s no point channelling a great deal of money into email campaigns that don’t see you boosting your returns. There’s no other way to put it, elaborate marketing can frankly be a waste of time and money, so if you’re a small tech company be sure to market small to begin with!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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