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How to Design an Effective Electrician Website

Are you an electrician and don’t have a website?

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If you so, you need to get one as soon as possible. Why?

Well, having an electrical contractor website means that your clients can find out more about your services even outside regular business hours.

A website will also help you to showcase your brand, keep track of your business in real time, cut costs, and build meaningful relationships with your clients.

But that’s not all. Did you know that 84% of consumers believe that a website makes a business more credible?

design effective website for electricians

If you invest in a reliable website, therefore, you’ll increase your credibility, which will result in more leads and more profits.

Now that you know why you need an electrician website, let’s take a look at nine time-tested tips that will help you to design an effective one.

1. Understand Your Target Audience

Your electrical contractor website won’t be useful unless it’s specifically built for the people you want to sell your services to.

Take your time to study and understand your target market. Dig deeper and find out their age, occupation, needs, level of income, and what appeals to them.

This will help you create a website that meets your audience’s expectations and needs.

2. Scout Your Competitors

There’s the likelihood that some of your competitors have reliable sites. You should find out more about them and their websites.

But don’t stop there! Ask these tough questions:
What templates are they using?
What background colors are they using?
What themes are they using?
What are they doing right or wrong?

These questions will not only reveal what is expected in your industry but also help you to identify opportunities that you can utilize to beat your competition.

3. Think Mobile When Designing an Electrician Website

Did you know that more than 1.2 billion people around the world access the internet via mobile devices? About 40% of internet users will go to a rival if they have a bad experience with a mobile website.

If these facts are not good enough to convince you to optimize your electrician site for mobile, you should note that Google officially announced it’d start rolling out mobile-first indexing, which means that mobile-friendly sites will rank high on Google’s search results.

Optimizing your site for mobile devices will enable you to reach out to mobile users and improve the online ranking of your website.

Here are more benefits of mobile optimization.
Improved user experience
Lower maintenance cost as compared to operating two versions of one website
Competitive advantage (only a few businesses are ready for mobile searches)

But how do you make your electrician site mobile friendly? Here’s how:

A Responsive Design
Using a responsive design will result in an electrical contractor website that automatically adjusts to suit the device screen size and orientation. This makes it mobile friendly.

You can check out our responsive web design tutorials to learn more.

Compression Tools
These tools ensure that every image, video, and file on your desktop website is fully optimized for mobile. You can use various compression tools to come up with a lighter mobile-friendly site that loads fast.

4. Choose a Unique, Memorable, and Relevant Domain Name

The web is a crowded place with more than 330 million registered domains. Therefore, you want to ensure your domain name is unique, memorable, and good enough to capture your clients’ attention.

Ideally, your domain name should be the name of your company, but using it is not always possible.

If the name of your business is too long or is being used by another site, you can come up with another creative domain or even register multiple domain names that point to your site.

Also, make sure the domain name describes your brand and the solutions that you offer.

5. Your Contacts Should Be Visible

Your business depends on the ability of your potential clients to contact you or your team.

It’s essential to place your contact information where your clients can easily find it. For example, you can learn a few things from this company that has an outstanding website with the contacts at the top of the homepage.

If you use Facebook and other social media platforms to connect with your clients, be sure to place the links in the footer, where your clients can find it.

6. Make It Easy to Navigate

Your site navigation plays a significant role in determining how long a user stays on your website.

Therefore, you should create a clear hierarchy and structure that can help your visitors move conveniently from one page to another.

These six tips will help make your website more navigable.

Limit your links to a reasonable number
Use text instead of images
Make sure your titles, attributes, and actionable elements are descriptive and accurate
Remove broken links
Add a search box
If possible, limit your top-level navigation menu to five

You should also ensure your electrician site has a clear way to get back to the home page no matter where your visitors land.

7. Create Accurate and Engaging Content

It should go without saying that false or inaccurate content will turn off your target clients.

Not only should you proofread your content before you launch your website, but also occasionally check each page, especially after uploading new
content or making changes.

8. Speed, Speed, Speed!

You need to ensure your electrician site loads fast by working with a hosting company that can handle your bandwidth demands. You should also update
your software regularly and optimize your images and videos.

9. Have a Catchy Call to Action

Each page on your site should have a clear button or a link that entices your visitors to do something: call, schedule appointment, request electrical services, buy a product, or sign up for a newsletter.

CTAs will not only enhance your sales funnel but also encourage interaction and improve the user experience.

Wrapping Up

Your online presence is an essential tool for attracting clients who need your services.
Designing an effective electrician website can be a hard task, but the tips we’ve highlighted above could make it smooth and successful.

If you’d like to learn more about web design, you can check out our web design articles for tips, inspiration, and tutorials.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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