HomeBlogYouTube : Best Video Sharing Platform

YouTube : Best Video Sharing Platform

The young generation of today is very much internet savvy. In fact, the trend is fast catching up to the older generation as well. However, there is a major lack of knowledge and limited information when it comes to the use of technology, especially the digital and social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.

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Power of Marketing

As a result, for example, many people believe that YouTube is all about sharing and browsing videos. That’s what it essentially is, but it is also much, much more than that. This article will help you burst this myth around YouTube, and introduce to some really cool uses of the platform. This surely going to completely change the perspective from which you see YouTube!

Video Marketing Campaigns

YouTube today is one of the major marketing platforms being used by brands. Video Marketing has become the primary component in any digital marketing campaign, and it is highly effective and efficient as well.

If you have started up a business, or you are running an enterprise or a company, you can put YouTube to the best use, and reach scores of new customers and audiences for your products or services. All you need to do is to launch a YouTube channel and start posting content revolving around your business. Make sure that you post the right content at the right time to make the best out of your online presence. If you can’t handle it all by yourself, you can always hire an expert, or outsource your YouTube branding to a third party.

Monetizing YouTube video

Is creating interesting videos part of your hobby? Are you creative and like sharing your ideas and spreading information? Well, if either one is the case, YouTube can be the platform that will not only help you pursue your passion but at the same time will also help earn through it!

Yes, if your video content is good enough, and if you are able to build a considerable fan base, YouTube pays you to display ads in your videos. Brands that are advertising get to reach out to a targeted, real-time audience, and you get to earn, it’s a win-win situation for all!

P.S. You need to work hard to reach that point, but it’s completely worth it!

Vlogging & personal brand buildingM?

YouTube is also a great platform for individuals who wish to build their personal brands. There have been numerous examples in the recent times when individuals have used YouTube as a platform, and they have gone viral and become social media starts overnight! Mostly Sane by Prajakta Koli and BB ki Vines by Bhuvan Bam are classic examples of this phenomena!

You can start off by creating and posting random videos, start video podcasts, create vines – or anything more creative. And once you establish your brand, you have the people with you, and now you can play around with it and do a lot of things! You can start selling your own products, or your own merchandise to the fan base, or even start collaboration with bigger brands who would pay to be with you! Too exciting, isn’t it?

Becoming a professional YouTube marketer

By now, you would have understood that YouTube is big, there’s a lot of money involved out there, and hence there’s a big opportunity as well! So, how about building your whole career around YouTube? Yes, it is possible, people have done that, and more & more people are doing that.

See, there’s a difference between being on YouTube, and being successful on YouTube. And mind it, you can be that difference. Taking the pain of creating videos, choosing which too good ones are, posting them, and then tracking their performance continuously are in most cases, not any other individual’s task. It requires a certain degree of professional training and expertise to pull off successful YouTube campaigns for brands and businesses.

In fact, Google offers professional courses, training programs, and certifications to help individuals become experts on its YouTube platform, opening up numerous employment opportunities for them. The point here is, consider exploring YouTube, and who knows you end up making it your bread and butter source!

Amongst other things!

While it is evident that YouTube can find a use with you and help you immensely regardless of who you are and what you do, here’s unlocking the real potential of the platform, through creativity! There’s a whole range of things and types of content that you can create for YouTube, and the list goes as …

• Promo & Offer Videos: Short & crisp 60 second videos introducing you/your company or a bound offer.

• Virtual Tours: If you are a business that people require to visit, giving your prospective customers a virtual tour can be a great idea.

• Customer Testimonials: Recording & posting testimonials from the customers or users of your products brings in a lot of credibility to your brand.

• Introduction of Staff: Putting in the face of your company in front of the audience is another thing you can do to promote your business on YouTube.

Still thinking that it’s just about posting and sharing videos every now and then? Well, YouTube today can be the biggest game-changer for brands and as much as for individuals. All you need is the correct information, some knowledge and skill, a decent camera and video editing software – or replace it all with a professional YouTuber, and you are good to go!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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