HomeBlog4 Tricks to Serve the User’s with a Better WordPress Site

4 Tricks to Serve the User’s with a Better WordPress Site

Have you ever wondered why it is important that your site should possess faster-loading speed? It is because better the site, better will be the consumer or viewer’s experience and if he or she likes what they saw and bought, they will recommend it to another group of people. This act of advertising will bring a number of traffic and potential sales to the market.

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With the techniques of WordPress development, the E-commerce and blog sites can be optimized as the developers thrive to create a user-friendly website for all the clients. They know the consequences of a slow loading website well enough and thus work on the loopholes that affect the traffic of the site.

wordpress tips

The speed of the website not only affects the traffic but it also affects the ranking of the website. Because at any point of time if Google feels that your website is not serving the expectations of the users, the site can be dropped from its rank or completely removed from initial search results.

Here are some of the tricks which can help you build a better website and reduce the barrier of the slow speed of the site.

1. Choose the Web Host Wisely

While there are many hosts that claim to provide the best services, make sure that the one you choose has a higher amount of reliability. Go through the reviews, check upon the sites using the same host server and then finalize an appropriate host which gives all facilities your site would need.

2. Right Choice Of WordPress theme

Make sure that you choose a light featured WordPress theme until and unless you don’t need them to that extent. The use of too many pages and navigational features might drag down the speed of your site. It is better to start of a site with minimal features and later you can add them any time you want when your site is ready enough to handle a large number of users.

3. Enabling Plugins

Plugins prove to be of great help in creating an attractive website, but not all plugins are as efficient and need by your website. Thus, here the task is to filter those plugins that reduce the website’s speed. More the number of unnecessary plugins, lesser will the traffic on the site and the less number of traffic indicates low potential sales.

4. Image Optimization

The images displayed on the website play a major role in assessing the speed and so it is quite important that the images are displayed in a proper format. Using compressed and uncompressed images affects highly affects the loading speed of the image. While the compressed image might not serve to be of good quality, the uncompressed images will take time to load. Here you can choose to upload a file in JPEG or PNG format depending on the type of image.

Final Words

These are just some of the initial steps to keep your site going at a constant pace, apart from this you will need to keep a track on the speed of your website by checking how much amount of load it is able to handle. You can optimize the strength of the website by working along with the Website developer in Sydney and give your users a stimulated website experience.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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