HomeBlog10 Tips To Boost Your B2B Content Marketing

10 Tips To Boost Your B2B Content Marketing

B2B marketing is complex, your customers buying decisions are much different compared to other industries. For example, business decisions are based on logic, trust, and proof that your service will prove an ROI.

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Business owners are knowledgeable and they demand facts. They need proof and want to learn how the business works before committing.

B2B companies like to read unique marketing and sales secrets and want to know successful non-traditional practices by other businesses.
b2b marketing featured

They are always trying to find more efficient and effective strategies. They are open to ideas that will make them have the advantage over their competitors.

Here are some quick tips you can implement when planning your B2B marketing strategy:
● Blogs about project management which shows your approach and process (how we work with clients).
● Articles about business development from the business perspective: what are your potential customers searching for and what can help them the most?
● Technical posts that prove your expertise in the business you specialize in. Here are 10 quick tips inspire content ideas.
● Answering common questions, look for trending keywords in Google to find what your B2B customers are actually searching for.

1. Aim for the Heart with Emotions

aim for heart with emotions
Are you inspiring a deeply emotional reaction? It is the key to evoking emotions with your content. When people respond to something emotionally, they are often compelled to share it.

A big takeaway from us is that content that evokes “high-arousal emotions” is more likely to go viral. Studies say this reaction happens because of emotions like awe, anger, and anxiety.

2. Practice Your storytelling

Put your ideas and messages into a story and use the story to produce the stickiness. When things are on the complex side, stories have a way of helping people understand and remember. When talking about the story, it acts as a trigger.

3. Employ Social Currency

The key to social currency? Peer popularity of your thoughts and ideas. People love to talk about the things that make them look good. Give your audience a way to feel special.

When done well, they will spread the word about you along the way. Special care is the heart and soul of word of mouth marketing, the most valuable type of marketing.

4. Watch Trends

Use current trends and recent news events as inspiration when you are creating content. This makes it easier to think of new ideas, and using trending topics and current events mean that you have a built-in audience who is already interested in your content.

5. Triggers

Triggers are the daily reminders of ideas and thoughts that shape:
● Choices consumers make
● Things that people talk about
● Products or services customers choose

Want your initiatives to be more successful? It can be as simple as linking your ideas and messages to relevant triggers.

6. Be visual

be visual
People process visual content faster than text. Visual content is also more engaging and more memorable. Smart businesses are incorporating more visual content into their work.
Gifs and infographics are increasingly popular. Instagram added stories for short personal videos. Facebook allows you to go live to engage more with your audience.

7. Provide something useful

Content that recognizes and solves problems is also more likely to be shared. Although an article about fixing your bathroom sink may not seem very interesting, it is a common problem many people have to deal with.

If someone finds your content helpful, they will share it with others who face the same problem.

You can also create awareness based content. Your goal in this awareness stage is to create content that generates leads and attracts potential customers. This type of content is a great way to build better relationships with your visitors.

8. Make information easy to scan

There is a LOT of information online. When people are reading online, they skim the page to see if the content they need is there.

If a reader doesn’t find what they are looking for at your site, they will move on quickly. Here are a few tips for making information easier to scan:
● Use headings and subheadings to clearly identify your topics.
● Write short paragraphs.
● Use straightforward language.
● Use images to illustrate your points.
● Use white space. Giant blocks of text are intimidating.

9. Turn Needs into Content

Answer questions; create tutorial videos, walkthroughs and other types of easily consumable content that provide direct answers and explanations. Notice how the videos above don’t sell – but entertain.

In the same vein, if you can use your content to inform, help, inspire and motivate – the result will be two-fold. You’ll create brand recognition and credibility along with having a desirable product that matches the customer’s expectations.


10. Focus on Analytics

focus on analytics
In terms of creating valuable content, B2B marketers should focus on informing the businesses of the analytics. This means focusing on numbers that tell a story of why your product or service is such a valuable option for the business.

Businesses make buying decisions with a much more rational and number-focused approach – it’s not about the price of your product but the way it can cut the cost for the business or provide them with more profits.

Take an analytic approach to your content. As well as ensuring the content is based on the actual analytical benefits of your product and service, you also need to learn about the businesses you are marketing to.

Make sure you continue following up on how your content is consumed – is it shared forward and how often Information like this can help you fine-tune your content further.

The B2B Content Marketing Take Away

It’s always best to have a strategy and system in place when creating your B2B marketing. Hire the best team around you, align your goals with what clients actually want and build a strong base to build upon going forward.

When planning out your content campaigns we always recommend making sure your entire team is on board. Even if you have a small team it’s helpful when they know they should help share the content you create. Having multiple people sharing your content will explode your company’s B2B Marketing.

Once your system is in place and your team starts creating the best content the next step is to make sure you’re consistent. When you post your content on a schedule your clients know when and how to find it. This will keep them coming back for more!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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