HomeBlogFrom Management to Mismanagement: The Mistakes Project Managers Make

From Management to Mismanagement: The Mistakes Project Managers Make

Many components, factors, and uncertainties are at play in almost any type of project work. Even the smallest projects can be quite complex undertakings. That’s why major human projects such as monumental construction works, space craft launches, and the like often become tourist attractions, objects of awe and reverence. It’s just so amazing that a group of people were able to successfully put such a vast, complex thing together and make it work.

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Mistakes Project Managers Make

Naturally, complexity allows plenty of space for error to creep in. Mistakes happen, and they cause inconvenience or cost time and money at the least. At the worst, they lead to project failure. There is no way to completely eliminate all mistakes. However, some problems are common across a broad range of project types. They are relatively easy to identify, and the strategies needed to avoid them are simple to em-place.

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Top 10 Tips to be a Successful Project Managers

Failure to schedule the whole team for a project kick-off meeting

Initiating the project with a meeting of all stakeholders gets everyone on the same page. Roles, responsibilities, and deliverables can be laid out clearly at this time. Objectives, expectations, and success markers should be clarified and agreed upon. The kick-off meeting is also a formal, public assignation of accountability and ownership. And of course, the meeting is a convenient forum for addressing questions and concerns.

Failure to define project tasks correctly

During project planning, it is important to develop a Work Breakdown Structure that divides projects and tasks up in a logical way and into manageable components. This allows team members to confidently tackle and accomplish large, complex projects that would otherwise be overwhelming. A skillful work breakdown also contributes greatly to the quest for efficiency.

Failure to prioritize work clearly

Project scheduling and planning is about clearly communicating task dependencies, due dates, and priorities. However, when multiple projects are running concurrently, team members may get sidetracked into spending too much time on items of lower priority. Managers need to be sure that priorities are well-understood at all times, and keep team members tightly in the loop when priorities change.

Failure to use the right project management tools

With the digital transition well underway, it’s a serious mistake to overlook the value of a project management tool like Timewax. From clear visual displays of task status and project progress, to data tracking, to support for tight communication networks, modern software tools can do wonders in terms of keeping projects on track and improving productivity.

Failure to communicate

When a project is running, and things get hectic, it’s common to let meetings slip and lose touch with stakeholders. Take the time at project initiation to establish a scheduled framework of team member meetings and regular update communications with key stakeholders. Determine who needs to be involved and set rough agendas at this time as well.

Failure to control change

Change of various sorts is a nearly universal feature of project work. Scope and other features of a project must be clearly set out and agreed on at the beginning of any project. Define a process for dealing with scope changes and other project modifications that includes a set of procedures and criteria for approving requested changes.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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