HomeBlog5 Common Office Supplies that You'll Need When You Start Your Business

5 Common Office Supplies that You’ll Need When You Start Your Business

What do flying cars, jetpacks, and paperless offices all have in common? They were all ‘no-brainer’ prophecies that actually turned out to be harebrained predictions about the world we’d be living in by 2018. Turns out, however good technology is, real businesses need real supplies – however glued you are to your phone or reliant on your laptop. Getting these right will save you time and money, so read on for the 5 most common office supplies you’ll need when you start your business.

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1. Furniture

Office furniture may have looked pretty much the same for centuries – desks, chairs, filing cabinets all make up a typical office scene.

Starting your business gives you a chance to do some research and find the latest thinking on what makes a productive office. You can then kit it out to match.

Considerations like employee health and morale should be top of your list, as a this will impact on your bottom line.

For example, office supply companies like Winc Online have great options like sit/stand desks.

Giving people this option can lead to remarkable health benefits for your employees.

2. Paper

While its use may have dropped off somewhat, paper is still a common supply need in most offices.

And when we say paper, we’re not limiting you to the white stuff that goes into the printer. Your paper needs also include files of various descriptions, pads, ring binders and more.

3. Stationery

Most businesses still send letters to clients, suppliers and other stakeholders.

Decide on a uniform style for your business before your place your stationery order. For example, will you print addresses onto envelopes, or use window envelopes?

Will you order letter headed paper, or print a simple header on letters and invoices? Remember, standardized processes reduce time and cost, so do yourself a favor by working this out before you open your doors.

4. Hardware

If you’re setting up a business in 2018, you can probably get away without a fax machine. That being said, you will want to start looking for suitable suppliers of copiers los angeles, and other essential hardware, as your business will struggle without a reliable printer, photocopier, scanner, and a secure shredder.

It might be possible to get an all-in-one machine to take care of the first three jobs. Weigh up the practicality of this against the demands of your business, remembering that if it fails, you don’t have a fallback option.

5. Fire Safety Equipment

Easy to overlook, but required by law in many places, fire safety equipment will keep you safe and legal.

Think about it – with all that paper and wood you’ve just kitted out your office with, the risk of fire has just increased severalfold.

The Main Point: Nailing Down the Most Common Office Supplies

Office supplies may not seem like a big deal, but spend wisely on these 5 most common office supplies and you’ll make savings in the long run.

Good planning and careful ordering will help you to keep costs down. Also, by taking care of your employees’ health, comfort and safety you show you care and help to foster a more productive working environment!

For more great blogs on business essentials click here today!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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