HomeBlog6 Unique Tips To Create A Useful Innovative Face Book Fan Page

6 Unique Tips To Create A Useful Innovative Face Book Fan Page

[strong-heading url=”#” ] Getting Creative//+[/strong-heading] Branding Your Facebook Pages

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Facebook has reached to over 750 million users a couple of months ago, and over 50 percent of these users incorporate Facebook daily. Thus it attracts almost every business owner to seek new and better opportunities for their company. Aside from Facebook being the largest and most dominant social network on the cornerstone of the cybersphere, it also offers users the luxury of creating ‘ Fan Pages ‘ for their business, communities, websites or any product launch.


The Fan Page feature is one of the most effective ways by which to reach out to your users/customers, and allow them to share their views, ideas, photos, questions, and reviews that will help enhance the product your business is aiming to market to the masses.

The following tips and tricks provided below will enable anyone using the ‘ Facebook Pages feature’ in designing and developing an attractive and useful fan page which will not only attract communities, or product sales garner, but will also help them to enhance their business product as well as their online reputation and enhance their visibility.

After all Facebook is one of the forerunner of social networks and statistics wise : most trafficked website on the internet highway and one should definitely incorporate this ‘ free service ‘ into getting their product and their presence known to the masses.

1. Create Custom Page Through FBML

Most of the users aren’t aware of this that they are capable of creating custom Facebook fan pages, custom fan pages provides number of services that even let you create a “home page “ on Facebook for your business. There are a lot of websites and fan page building tools available for creating such fan pages.

Secondly, Facebook helps its users to create custom fan pages and “tabs” through ”FBML” that stands for ”Facebook Mark-Up Language”. Users can add this app and after adding this app it will allow them to use basic HTML and FBML tags to create any kind of fan page.

Third there is “iframe application” available for creating fan pages though this application is bit complicated to use but its a worthwhile application that will help you to enhance your business. You can click here for more details for app and how to use iframe app.

2. Reveal Tab To Restrict New Visitors

Reveal Tab can grow your fan page following by letting you curtail new visitors from seeing particular content of your fan page until they click Like button and become a member of your fan page. Reveal Tab is a great way to influence visitors to like your fan page and let them exchange some interesting stuff. Reveal Tab can be created by FBML or iFrame custom tabs.

3. Useful Content

In order for users to Like your Fan Page , you must be able to provide them with unique and interesting content. Content is the backbone for your business; solid tag lines, solid content, always grab viewer attention. Your Fans Liked your page because they want some original content that will help them to gain insight and information. This is what matters and is pertinent in keeping your Fans active. Continually offer good productive status updates, shared links, blog posts etc to keep your fan pages up to date.

4. Where To Place Page Thumbnails


Page owners can place image thumbnail at the top of their fan pages. Placing an image at right spot is very vital for creating a beautiful fan page. Users can place an image thumbnail to feature their products which has been launched recently and currently selling. You can also post thumbnail images as ”Top Fans” and combine their pictures with a testimonial and a link to your product page.

5. Interact With Your Fans


For enhancing a business it is quite necessary to develop good relations with your clients, listen to their needs and sort out their queries which have been raised regarding any products, sales etc., continually answering, commenting and sorting out their problems will definitely help you in establishing long lasting relationships with your fan base and it will help you increase your business to a certain level.

6. Attractive Profile Image

The most important and distinctive aspect of your Fan Page is its overall appearance or Design. The best marketers on Facebook have figured out on how to deploy attractive and commanding Pages that grab the attention of visitors. You can point users to specific custom tabs that you have created and offer them unique material that will cause them to like your fan page. While using images just keep in mind that an image should be demanding and it should tell itself about your business, products, and services in order to attract and create a huge fan base.


We hope this guide will help each of you in creating beautiful and distinctive Facebook fan page. We hope that this will help you within enhancing your FB Fan Page and in achieving a higher fan base; this guide will turn those fan bases into your loyal users/ clients. Along with this, Google will likely pick up on your account and transfer some great marketing attention and visitors onto your brand(s) or products.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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