HomeBlogWhy Every Website Needs Web Hosting

Why Every Website Needs Web Hosting

At first glance, explaining why every website needs web hosting may seem a little difficult to get across in layman’s terms. However, the basic fact is that in order to publish a website on the Internet you need web hosting.

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domain hosting sites

If you have looked at creating your own basic website, you will no doubt of come across the array of free website services available. They offer an array of options to get yourself started, do not charge website hosting fees and may well fulfil your basic initial requirements. However, there are many drawbacks to these free website options.

Before we look at why you need web hosting, let’s take a look at the drawbacks of free websites:-

• Limited control over software packages and options to develop your site
• Free advertising for the “free” website service provider
• You are effectively locked in on their terms and conditions
• If the company folds then your website goes with them
• You may not even be able to transfer your domain name in the future

These are just a number of the drawbacks, but you get the idea, your control, flexibility and opportunities for expansion are severely limited.

What exactly is web hosting?

The best way to describe web hosting is the place where you store all of the files and images for your website. The purchase of a domain name is in layman’s terms the address of your storage facility – akin to the number on your house door. Due to the way the Internet is set up, if someone types in your domain name this point to your web hosting account where your files will be accessed and your website presented to your visitor.

This is a seamless operation so having your own web hosting account not only gives you control but extreme flexibility.

Benefits of your own web hosting account

UK web hosting is a well-developed area of the online community which offers significant benefits to website owners preferring hands-on management. Some of the main benefits include:


When using the many free website offers on the Internet you will have significant limitations over the control of your website and future options. Your site could be taken down at a second’s notice if you are deemed to have broken the company’s terms and conditions. Downtime will not only cost you money but can have a serious impact on your online reputation. With your own website hosting package you have total control – and access to backups. At some point you may come across smart hosting which basically allows you to redirect an old domain to a new one.


Trends and fashions change in the world of e-commerce but the majority of free website providers tend not to move with the times – they don’t have big budgets. This may be something as simple as a useful plug-in, new widget or even the introduction of an updated code/software package. Your UK hosting provider would likely offer an array of default software packages and you have the option to upload others to your account. Changing/updating the look, feel and services provided by your website is important.

Security and support

Even though free website companies have proven to be very popular, and do have a role to play, they offer very little support and no input into website security. You are literally at the beck and call of the free website provider as opposed to having total control with your own web hosting UK account. The vast majority of web hosting companies not only offer 24-hour support but also have inbuilt security measures to protect your website/files and their own reputation – you can also add additional levels of security. Do not underestimate the benefits of this!

Types of web hosting

There are three basic types of web hosting which are known as:-

1. Shared hosting

Shared hosting is the cheapest and for many the most cost-effective means of hosting their own website, especially in the early days. In effect hundreds of website accounts will share the same server and use the same server resources. This offers efficiencies of scale which can be passed on to customers with relatively low monthly hosting charges, starting from as little as just a couple of pounds.

2. Virtual Private Server hosting (VPS hosting)

The best way to describe a VPS hosting plan is an independent server within a server. In reality a VPS feels and acts like an independent server but shares resources with other VPS accounts on the same server. However, there is a greater degree of customisation with individual VPS accounts able to install their own software preferences which will not be accessible by other VPS accounts. In many ways a VPS is a hybrid between shared hosting and dedicated hosting.

3. Dedicated server

As the name suggests, a dedicated server is dedicated to one website/account and therefore offers the greatest degree of flexibility and control. With this greater degree of flexibility/control comes a greater expense but for many large websites this is the only real long-term option. Websites that use dedicated servers tend to be resource intensive and attract heavy traffic numbers.

Bonus: Cloud hosting

Cloud hosting is something of a hybrid between a VPS and a dedicated server. Utilising the resources of a network of servers, this ensures that any spike in traffic/bandwidth can be spread right across the network. This limits the impact on load speeds and ensures reliable response times.


The vast majority of subjects covered above relate in some way, shape or form to increased control over your website. However, when comparing free websites to those managed by a UK hosting provider, this is just the tip of the iceberg.

We have heard nightmare stories where companies offering free websites have folded and customers have literally lost their websites overnight. They may have spent years building a business, maintaining customer contact and suddenly it is gone. Over the years many people started with a free website and then decided to ‘go it alone.’ Web hosting UK services have grown dramatically in recent times, prices are competitive and many offer managed hosting and 24/7 support. You can now plan for the future with confidence!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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