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How to Fight Exploding Head Syndrome

It is a sleep disorder affecting many people for one time or the other. Do you feel disturbed due to a booking sound when trying to sleep? If yes, then you have the exploding head syndrome. The symptoms vary from person to person. According to an article published on https://www.huffpost.com, a few patients experience a single whack on their head or see a flash. These sensations may take the person by surprise, making him awake.

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The condition is hereditary, known as sleep-related myoclonus. If you are experiencing these symptoms, get in touch with a doctor immediately. The other related symptoms are sleep shudders, the feeling as if you are falling from above, and restless leg. Read on to learn how to fight this condition.

Cut Back Stress

Today, all are stressed and need to slog at the workplace to make a living. Life is tough. All of this adds up to your worry and stress, thus affecting your daily sleep patterns, thus leading to the exploding head condition. Strain and anxiety are part of your daily life, but you need to reduce it. According to eminent medical experts, one plagued with this ailment should embrace a balanced lifestyle. Learn to separate work-related stress from your personal life. Read a book, do meditation, watch a movie, go for a walk, or hang out with friends at restaurants when you feel stressed. You will need to squeeze time out of your busy schedule to find time for these activities.

Take a Balanced Diet

When it comes to exploding head syndrome, it should not be taken lightly. The thumping sound will keep you awake throughout the night. Sleeplessness for several days will take a toll on your overall health. Therefore, if you want sound sleep every day, take a balanced diet. Include as much as minerals and vitamins in your diet. Eat fresh green vegetables and fruits to help your body cope with stress and anxiety during the day. These food items also help in setting your body’s sleep clock at night. Avoid junk food and fried items. You can procure fresh vegetables and fruits from the farmer’s market or your backyard.

Decide on a Time to Sleep

According to medical professionals, the lack of sleep will result in myoclonus. When preparing to sleep after dinner, find a suitable time when your surroundings are devoid of noise. Keep your bedroom cool and switch off all electronic devices. Put your mobile phone away and do not chat or browse the internet after retiring to bed. The light from your cell phone will disturb your sleep. You should sleep for at least seven hours for fighting the syndrome. It may also mean eight hours of sleep to make your body and mind relaxed.

Consult a Professional

If the thump or jerking awake becomes a recurring problem and robs you off even six hours of sleep, it is time to seek medical help or. Do not ignore these symptoms because delay will only aggravate your problems. Your doctor will prescribe medications to fight the condition and help you sleep soundly at night. You can also take counselling from a professional to reduce stress and to improve mental strength.


Now that you know how to fight the exploding head syndrome, it will help sleep better. Follow the tips and stay healthy.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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