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How to Give a Wow Effect to Your New Website Visitors

Giving your new website visitors a wow experience builds their confidence in your business. This increases their chances of staying on your website longer and returning later. However, if your site is below their expectations, they will leave and never return. This article highlights some tips that can be helpful in creating a wow effect to your new website visitors.

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Deliver the Promise

Visitors come to your site from various sources including search engines, social media, guest posts, and Ads. Regardless of the source, the visitor is there because they clicked on a link that promised them something. It could be a search engine result promising a certain type of content or an Ad about a certain product. To wow your visitors, ensure that they get what was promised once they land on your website. Present the information in a clear and comprehensive way so that the person that lands on that page will be fully satisfied.

Page Speed

Web visitors expect pages to load within two seconds and thus to wow them you have got to do better than this. Test your website speed and optimize your pages to load faster to create a good first experience for your visitors. And when optimizing, don’t forget that a big percentage of visitors use mobile phones to access the internet. Thus, check on mobile speed too when optimizing your pages.

Easy Navigation

Navigation not only creates a wow experience but it makes it easy for visitors to interact with more pages on your website. You can make navigation easy by having well-designed menus and making use of links and buttons. Interlink your content to direct the reader to more pages that they may be interested in. When linking avoid too many links on one page as they may be confusing and also link to related content only.

Freebies and Offers

Giving your new website visitors some free stuff or notifying them of your on-going offers is another way to wow them. PDFs, sign up offers, first purchase offers are some great ideas you can consider. PDFs are great because you can use them for numerous visitors. You just have to keep updating the content to ensure that it is valuable to every visitor. Also, for the impression to last, create high-quality content. Avoid common content and fluff if you want the wow impression to last.


Video consumption is on the rise and this is the key reason you should use some on your website. Visual content tends to be more interactive and it can play a big role in creating a good experience for your website visitors. By using videos, you can tell your story in a more compelling way. Even the people with a short attention span can be compelled to stay on your website longer when you use visual content. However, note that not everyone loves videos and thus avoid using autoplay. There are visitors who would rather read a post or product description instead of watching videos.

Testimonials and Reviews

Website visitors don’t make decisions based solely on who you say you are. Most will check what other people have to say about your products and services before making any commitment. Displaying testimonials and reviews on your website can create a better experience for your visitors. Visitors can check what other people are saying without leaving your site. This can improve conversion rates and sales. A testimonial display shows that you are a reputable brand and reading positive reviews from others can entice new visitors to make decisions faster.

Make It Easy To Contact You

Make it easy for visitors to contact you by updating your contact information, making use of contact forms and incorporating live chat on your website. If you are using email for contact with visitors, use an autoresponder to notify the visitor that you have received their email and you will get back to them shortly.

Welcome Email

Finally, don’t forget to send a welcome email to all your new website visitors. A welcome email should basically greet the subscriber and tell them what to expect from your brand. Ensure that the welcome email is personalized and is in line with the interactions of the subscriber with your website. Also, boost the open rate by choosing catchy headlines and using good templates. You can get some inspiration from this Sendinblue article when choosing a welcome email template. Sendinblue offers solutions for Email, chat, Facebook and SMS among others.

By creating a wow effect for your new website visitors, conversion rates will be high and you will reap more benefits from your marketing efforts. If your first impression is poor, it will be very hard to convince the visitor that you are a brand they can trust. Thus, work smart and get it right the first time.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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