HomeBusinessTop 4 Reasons Why Businesses Should Use Video Marketing

Top 4 Reasons Why Businesses Should Use Video Marketing

If you have a text and a video available on the same topic, what would you prefer?

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There is an age-old saying, “Actions speak louder than words”.

Data suggests that more than half of the people agree that they are more likely to choose a video over a piece of text.

It is human tendency to capture things that are available in the form of audio or video rather than text.

This is the reason why a majority of us remember the scenes of a movie or a song but it takes us quite a lot of time to remember a piece of text.

Taking the above thought into consideration, you should include videos in your digital marketing strategy so that your brand is easily retained by your target audience.

video marketing

To grow your business, you should create impactful and related videos that are consistent with your overall marketing strategy.

The online videos are rapidly becoming the largest and effective tool when it comes to imparting information and entertaining the viewers.

Statistics also reveal that more than 80% of customers buy a product after watching a video put out by the brand or existing users.

Hence, videos are one of the most versatile and profitable digital marketing tools out there today. Learning Digital Marketing can help you in formulating video marketing in your overall marketing plan.

Let’s elaborate further on a few reasons why videos are an important aspect of online marketing strategies:

1. Video Marketing Can Explain Everything Properly

Videos are really easy to understand and can be retained for a longer period of time. This is the reason that they are a preferred means of learning things.
Today, the majority of the customers refer to explainer videos when they want to learn how to use a particular product or service. Text can be really tricky when a person is trying to understand the mechanism of a product.

So, attaching an explainer video along with the product can really help viewers in understanding the concept and working of your product/service.
A perfect example is of the DropBox (a personal cloud storage service that is frequently used for file sharing and collaboration). When DropBox was initially launched, people failed to understand its usage.

Then, there was an explainer video attached and downloads increased massively.
Use of animated videos for this purpose diminishes the complexity of a product or service and also makes their usage more understandable.
The animations used will ignite the attention of the viewer and will bring life in the video. Most of the businesses prefer to add an explainer video on their homepage and comply with the fact that they are really effective.

2. Videos Build Trust

If you are serious about content marketing, you must be serious about video marketing too. The reason for this is that video content is likely to engage viewers and ignite emotions within them.

When people watch their inspirations talking about a particular brand they tend to connect easily with that brand. To enhance this method you can showcase the influencer using the product.

This serves two objectives

(i) More people will view your video including the fan base of the influencer.
(ii) They will also understand how it can be useful in their everyday life & solve their problems.

This not only gives them a reason to buy the product but also builds a sense of credibility for the brand among users.

In fact, WOM¬-inspired marketing can produce 37% greater customer retention and twice the amount of sales when compared to paid advertising.

Therefore, promotional videos by some famous and inspirational personalities ought to provide an upper-edge to your brand awareness.

With video marketing, you can influence the audience by using emotions to directly connect with them so that they trust your brand.

This is an appropriate way of cross-promotion. This basically means the liking of the influencer brings the viewers to think they might like you too.

And, an easy way to convince the influencers to become a part of your internet marketing campaign is to pitch them a great idea, tell them they have to put minimal efforts and be honest. It really works.

3. Videos Boost Conversions & Sales

According to a few studies, 74% of users who watch a tutorial video about a product tend to subsequently buy the product as well.

Videos tend to build an emotional connection between the company and customers. They are also capable of igniting emotions in customers through its content and direction.

In just a short span of time, video content has the potential to reach a majority of the audience and grab their attention immediately.

Especially an e-commerce website cannot provide their customers with the real feel of the product. So for them, the video is a crucial aspect.

Videos help the audience to understand what the product looks like, what it does, what are its features and what benefits it provides. In a nutshell, videos describe the product in a short and crisp manner.

4. Google Loves Videos

To add to the facts, you’re 53 times more likely to show up first on Google if you have a video embedded on your website.
You can increase more online traffic on your website if your videos include your website’s link. Generally, people spend more time viewing your website if they contain videos.

However, a tip would be to keep the video unique to your website and not allow other third-party websites to use your video.
Longer exposures build trust and contribute to a positive increase in search engine optimization (SEO).

Moreover, it was found that 88% of the videos in the top 10 of Google’s blended searches are from YouTube as well.
This makes it very clear how much you need videos in your marketing strategy.


This clearly shows that it’s time to include videos in your marketing strategy as they really help more than the conventional SEO strategies. The tip to get in the top ranking is to stay relevant & consistent.
Do not just create anything, be original and stay credible. Then, this strategy ought to work for you!

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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