HomeWeb DesignTips to Create an Engaging and Attractive Web Design

Tips to Create an Engaging and Attractive Web Design

When a website is well-built and nicely designed, it helps in driving more traffic to the site and the factors like usability and user interface ensure better conversion rates. No matter how good your products or services are, if the website is poorly designed and lacks proper interface, the customers would turn away. You do not want to lose potential customers just because the site is poorly designed, do you? It is for this reason you need to put your heart and mind into ensuring the site you develop is attractive and engaging. Here are the few rules to follow to ensure the website comes across as engaging to the customers –

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create attractive web design

Simple Layout

In today’s date, minimalistic sites are more appreciated than the websites that are stuffed with loads of unwanted features and bells and whistles, if you know what I mean. The site doesn’t have to be dull or boring, but keeping the interface simple and focusing on the vital components is essential. Cleaner the site, the faster it gets loaded and the easier it is to navigate. You do not want the site to push loads of features and information on the face of the visitors as soon as the site loads up. It would sound like it is trying too hard and that is always a bad sign. The admin of the website can use materialpro angular lite template to manage the business’s phone app as well with ease.

Clear Calls-to-Action

You want visitors to your site for a reason, and you need to make sure that it is represented clearly to the visitors. In the commercial language it is called call-to-action, and it must stand out in the site for the visitors to take action. The buttons on the site used to direct customers for call-to-action must have simple and short text.

Less is more when it comes to visual content

Content in terms of visual elements should not be scattered across the site in a disoriented manner. It should be placed strategically to ensure visitors don’t get perplexed when navigating the site. When you know what your visitors came looking for at your site, it becomes easier to know how to direct them to what they want to buy. Thus, you should place the content they are looking for in a way that makes it easier for them to move ahead with taking that action.

Don’t Fear Whitespace

Many business owners or web developers think that the empty real estate on the website should be used creatively to add something more or new to the site. It generally comes out of fear that a minimal website or a web page with a considerable amount of whitespace would give a wrong impression to the visitor.

However, it is a misconception as whitespace may help your site look less cluttered and add to readability of the site. If there is just too much going on your website, it would be difficult for the visitors to figure out what is of value to them and what isn’t essential to them. It could potentially damage the user-friendliness of the site. So, keep the layout simple and don’t be afraid of the empty spaces on your website.

Add Eye-Catchy Colors to Make Website Appealing

Choosing the right color scheme for your website is vital to make a lasting impression on the target audience. It should be appealing and eye-catchy. It starts with deciding the base color of the site and then choosing the secondary accent color that you can use for other elements of the website like tabs, buttons, and more. If your brand or company already has a brand color, extending the same color palette to your website would help in developing brand identity in a comprehensive manner.

Readable and Attractive Fonts

The font of your website should be easy to read and must blend in with your website design. The font may be attractive on its own but may not mix well with the website’s design, so make sure that you choose a font that is readable and unique at the same time.

These are a few tips to keep in mind when you are looking to create an attractive and engaging website that drives traffic and sales and helps with the brand establishment at the same time.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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