HomeTechFeatures of Website Outage Status Checkers Business Owners Should Know

Features of Website Outage Status Checkers Business Owners Should Know

Websites are among the most important marketing tools any business can use. They can be an online brochure to provide information for your prospective clients. They can also be a place to purchase or book your services.

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But sometimes, a website may face some trouble. The most common problem websites encounter, downtime, or outage. Outage happens when the system is not available. There could be various reasons for this, thus the need for a website outage status checker.

These tools can be used to know what caused the downtime.

So, if you’re going to use these tools, what features should you look for? Here are a few things you should consider:

Root Cause Analysis

While finding the cause of website downtime may not always be precise, you can do well with an analysis of why it happened in the first place.

Many things can contribute to it being down. Knowing where you can start your investigation will help in tracking down the main reason for the hiccup.

Sometimes, when you see a website crash, you can also see if the collision is just from your end. This helps in giving you peace of mind which helps in addressing another problem altogether.

24/7 monitoring

Website downtime can affect all websites, even new ones. While it might not be as frequent, you should be able to know when it happens.

This is why 24-hour monitoring is essential. Some downtime can last for hours and can begin at any time of the day, even in the evening.

Website checkers can be used to make sure you know when this happens.

Real-time Alerts

In line with the 24/7 monitoring, you also need to be continuously updated with the status of the website. You wouldn’t want to be unprepared when you come in your shift the next morning only to find out the site has been down since 3 AM.

An alert will help you prepare to address or keep track of the trend in your website; whether it is up and running or on a downtime status.

Daily Reporting

An email message about your website’s status will not take up a lot of storage space in your inbox. Get a daily update so that if you see a disturbing trend, then you can immediately assess the situation and give a due solution.

Utilizing tools like a website outage status checker will help business owners and website administrators keep track of what’s happening in their online presence.

While it might seem like a minute thing, a downed website might cause a lot of marketing value because the user might think the company or business does not care about checking their website. It is, after all, the first impression you leave to your online visitors.

The adage “prevention is better than cure” will apply in this scenario. Since it might be hard to pinpoint the cause of the outage, it is way better to keep your website health in tip-top shape, so that it can quickly recover from inevitable circumstances like these.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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