HomeTechAdopting Best Practices for Software QA Testing

Adopting Best Practices for Software QA Testing

In the traditional model of quality assurance testing, the product is turned over to the QA analyst after they’ve finished coding. It’s an inefficient process since you have more bugs to address with the delivery date looming.

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The best practices adopted by software testing services is to integrate QA testing at the earliest stage of software development. It’s easier to catch bugs as they manifest and fix them in the course of the production cycle.

Toward the end of the cycle, as the delivery date looms, you have fewer bugs to fix.

Here are the other best practices to ensure the success of your project:

quality assurance testing

1. Know your limitations

During the product development cycle, lead developers and software architects typically run their respective tests on the source code and units. When hiring software testing services, you can share with them which part of the script and system featured the most changes. The testers can then focus their attention on these parts. It doesn’t mean that you forget the other units, but they can automate the test for those parts. In the end, you all save a lot of time without compromising the integrity of the test.

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2. Form a dedicated team of testers

Their sole responsibility is to challenge the system and look for vulnerabilities and bugs. Even if you go live, the team will continue to revisit the software at regular intervals to check for integrity. When you release a new product, customers seem to be the first to spot the bug. If you don’t have a feedback mechanism in place, their next step is to upload their discovery on the Internet, where the online community will feast it.

3. Kill bugs that do the most damage first

What this means is to prioritize your efforts. When the quality tester is late to the party, chances are, they will find multiple bugs plaguing the software. Fixing all the bugs at the same time is not an option unless the company is willing to spend more testers. The best alternative is to look at which bug is causing the most havoc first and go down in order of importance.

4. Recreate the same environment

When you hire software testing services, you may be asked to send a copy of the product to their servers. However, they should also try to test the software on your own computers and servers. That way, they recreate the environment when the software was written.

The steps in running the test will not change whether you adopt a waterfall approach or an agile environment. You still follow the sequence below:

1. Planning a test strategy
2. Developing and coding the test
3. Executing the test
4. Bug tracking and fixing
5. Delivery

Running tests is crucial to increase the chances of product success. According to industry estimates, more than 50% of IT projects fail. One of the interesting insights from the survey is that 50% of the project managers and developers are more interested in delivering the project within the deadline.

And if they managed to do it without blowing the budget, then that’s considered a successful project. This propensity to settle is a bane to the industry. It could easily be addressed by employing the services of quality assurance engineers to ensure the product is market-ready when it rolls out of the lab.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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