HomeBusinessBest Way to Track Employee Productivity

Best Way to Track Employee Productivity

The world today is far different than it was before technology became intertwined in our lives. Smartphones and social media have started taking up peoples’ time in such a significant way that business productivity can suffer.

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With employees becoming distracted by technology, it has become challenging to keep them focused on the tasks they are getting paid to do. Thankfully, technology has also brought us tools such as Outlook that help track employee time and productivity. Here is how you can track employee productivity and keep productivity levels high.

Use Project Management Technology

There are many solutions today for tracking employee productivity using project management technologies. Task management is a popular solution, which keeps track of individual tasks and marks them once they are completed. When employees are working on a team, these performance management software systems help keep everyone on the same page and continue making progress on a particular project.

Tracking employee productivity using the applications available helps create overviews. These show you who is doing what and how much time it is taking to complete those tasks. These are incredibly helpful tools at your disposal.

You will have an easier time keeping your employees focused on the tasks at hand and making it clear which tasks are their responsibility to complete leaves little room for ambiguity. You can also manage expectations by making all of your employees aware of what the due dates are for tasks and projects. Project management software also helps keep an open channel of communication between you and your employees.

You can also create daily check-ins with these applications. Not only will this show that you care about what progress your employees are making, but it will also keep you informed with everyone’s progress. You can ask them what they have accomplished that day, whether they are on track to completing their assigned tasks, what obstacles are slowing them down, and whether there is anything you can do to help get things moving faster.

You want your tracking of employee productivity to increase morale, not decrease it. When you show your employees that you are willing and able to support them, you are showing them that you care about more than you getting your money’s worth for the number of hours they work.

When you track employee productivity, you are focusing on results. Employees can become more motivated when they have the opportunity to feel satisfied with what they are working on. When you assign specific tasks and goals for your employees, you are also turning work into a game. When someone completes a job, it can be akin to them leveling up and moving onto the next level.

Wrapping Up

These days with smartphones, social media, and personal emails, it can be challenging to keep employees engaged. People are constantly looking for popular jobs to motivate them. They may become bored because they do not have a clearly-defined set of tasks to perform during their day. This is why using project management techniques can get employees back on track and working for you as you originally intended.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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