HomeTechThe Importance of Knowledge Base Management

The Importance of Knowledge Base Management

Personal computers were first introduced into the office workspace in the late 1970s. Since then, these technologies have continued their steady influx due to advancements in networking, internet connectivity and other rapidly evolving capabilities. A rocky adolescent phase of business computing identified the need for specialists, and help desks emerged as the mechanism for managing information technologies. The combination of an increasing body of knowledge and the rapid introduction of new technologies required the implementation of help desk knowledge management systems.

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Classifying useful information about the maintenance and operation of computer-based technologies in the business environment can be accomplished in a variety of ways. One useful approach is to organize components and software by functional area. These areas could be loosely labeled as hardware, software, data and networking systems. Each of these areas benefits from a systematic approach to making information about their use and maintenance easily accessible with a knowledge base system.


Businesses typically maintain inventories of standardized computer equipment for use by employees. Once acquired, each system is assigned an inventory number, then operating systems and other software are installed. The inventory system facilitates equipment maintenance, upgrades and replacements as necessary.

Useful knowledge base information for hardware includes specifications for system components such as CPUs and memory. Additionally, the knowledge base can include questions about specific performance issues and the best answers and solutions for common problems. Ideally, the resulting compendium of information will be referenced by future users who may encounter the same or similar issues. In this way, IT personnel are freed to focus their time and efforts on more pressing needs.


Similar to hardware inventories, some degree of standardization is common in business computing software assets. Consistent deployment of programs makes the process of staying current with software updates much less burdensome. Existing knowledge base information published by software vendors can often be rolled into an organization’s knowledge management system seamlessly. Furthermore, as application-specific issues are identified, the new questions, answers and troubleshooting steps can be appended to the existing collection of reference materials.


The data a company generates, collects and uses becomes one of its most valuable assets. Customer databases, inventory records and analyses of consumer trends are all examples of the kinds of data businesses may create, use and maintain. Databases and other collections of vital business operational information grow and change over time. Backups and other measures designed to ensure data integrity all require IT staff to be familiar with regularly scheduled processes. This is another area where the implementation of knowledge base documentation is helpful.


The ability to connect individual computers with each other, various peripherals and the internet represent opportunities to achieve more efficient, profitable operations. Networking equipment and software are often addressed as a separate entity within organizations because they involve shared use of assets instead of dedicated or assigned use. Supporting and maintaining the necessary infrastructure to enable networking in the business environment can benefit from inclusion in a knowledge base system.

Operational experience with security and connectivity issues generates different kinds of questions and answers that may prove useful to future operations. Documentation about network architecture can prove immensely helpful when planning for expansions or system upgrades in the future.
The extent to which information technologies have become integral to business operations underscores the need to adopt a systematic approach to their management. The sheer volume of documentation associated with computer equipment makes the case for establishing an accessible centralized knowledge base.

Having such a system in place benefits several aspects of the organization. Training of new staff is simplified by providing them with direct access to the knowledge base. Identifying the most common modes of failure for specific equipment or systems can inform decisions about upgrades and replacements. Productivity can be maximized by allowing users to troubleshoot and fix simple issues without the need for calling on specialists from the IT department. These and other benefits justify the expenditure of resources to establish and maintain a dynamic knowledge base management system.

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