HomeAutoCan I Sue for an Accident with a Self-Driving Vehicle?

Can I Sue for an Accident with a Self-Driving Vehicle?

The auto industry continues making leaps and bounds in developing new technologies to make vehicles safer and more convenient to operate. One of the latest innovations is the introduction of self-driving vehicles, a technology that has been maturing over the last few years. Though this technology was made with the original intention of making driving a much safer task, it is not perfect and has introduced novel dangers to sharing the road. If you have been the victim of an accident involving a self-driving vehicle, you are still entitled to compensation as you would be if another human driver were involved. Here’s what you need to know to go about filing a lawsuit for such an incident.

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Determining Liability in a Collision with a Self-Driving Vehicle

In most instances, the owner of the self-driving vehicle you experienced a collision with may still be held liable for the damages. For instance, if the owner failed to maintain the vehicle properly, there may have been certain components that were malfunctioning, which ultimately contributed to the events leading to the collision. If the owner has neglected to service the brakes for an extended period preceding the crash, and these were the primary components that failed to prevent the accident, the owner will then be held responsible for this neglect.

Regardless of what components did or did not fail, you must remember that drivers are not completely devoid of control over a self-driving vehicle. They still maintain governance over the autonomous vehicle. Whether they are occupying the driver seat with the autopilot engaged or not is almost inconsequential, as they will still be held responsible for any crashes caused by themselves or the vehicle.

Further still, there are instances in which neither the vehicle nor the owner is to blame, but the manufacturer. You may need to set your sights on the manufacturer if there were faulty components that could not have been fixed by routine maintenance, or if there was a failure of the AI. Such cases are becoming more difficult for victims to win, however, as federal legislation may limit liability for automobile manufacturers in such circumstances. Still, manufacturers can be held to serious legal consequences if they argue that their AI technology should not have been liable, as it is designed for greater safety during vehicle operation. This would qualify as a misrepresentation of their product and its design.

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How a Car Accident Lawyer Can Help

Given the novelty of this technology, it is best that you seek the assistance of a car accident attorney when attempting to file a lawsuit for a collision with an autonomous vehicle. There are many caveats to the legal implications of such an accident, and you never know just what claims the defendant may make.

Let an experienced lawyer assist you by investigating all the key details of the incident, uncovering all elements that contributed to the collision – whether it be manufacturing flaws or any form of driver negligence. An accident lawyer will be able to defend you from tactics of defendants attempting to rid themselves of liability, ensuring that you receive precisely the compensation you need for recovery. Contact a lawyer today to get started.

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