HomeBusinessBusiness Website 101: Why Is Design Important for Your Website?

Business Website 101: Why Is Design Important for Your Website?

Have you been putting off giving your website the refresh it needs? It might seem like web design is the last thing your business needs to focus on. Unfortunately, that’s far from the truth.

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Reports show that 48% of people take website design into account when determining the credibility of a business. You risk losing customers if your website design is terrible.

If you’re still asking the question, “why is design important?” look no further. Keep reading to learn how web design can improve the bottom line of your business.

Grab the Attention of Your Visitors

The internet has become crowded. Reports indicate that there are over 1.78 billion websites. You need to stand out if you want people to come to your site.

Your web design plays a vital role in grabbing the attention of your visitors. You want your visitors to trust your site and stick around. Your web design needs to prove that you have the information or products people want.

Build Your Brand

People don’t enjoy interacting with nameless companies anymore. They enjoy learning about the history of companies they work with and what they’re about. Your website design plays an essential role in establishing your brand and helping people understand it.

When you build your website to match your brand, it helps your customers recognize it when they aren’t on the web. They’ll be more likely to pick it out when walking down the store aisle instead of another brand that doesn’t brand themselves online.

Promote User Engagement

With all the interactivity on the web, nobody wants to go to a boring website anymore. You might be able to get away with it for a small number of your visitors. The others will just head to your competitors who provide them with a better experience.

A website that encourages visitors to engage will help your customer development process. When people invest in interacting with your brand, they’ll be more likely to buy your products and services.

Promote Yourself as an Authority

You can’t expect people to buy from you if they don’t trust you. Content alone isn’t enough to do this. If your site looks outdated, how do people know that your information is up to date?

Providing a clean, modern design shows that you’re a professional company. It will help your visitors trust your products and be more likely to become customers.

Increase Your Conversions

Web design doesn’t only play a role in establishing your business as an authority. It can also help increase the rate that people buy your products.

You can use different web design elements to nudge people in the direction you want. Small changes to color and text can drastically increase your sales.

Why Is Design Important? Your Question Answered

By now, you should be able to answer the question, “why is design important?” The people you serve deserve to have a web experience that matches what your business offers. Make sure you spend time to ensure that your web presence does just that.

Now that you understand the importance of website design and are ready to upgrade your site, it pays to know what web design elements to pay attention to. Read more of our blog to learn how to create a design that works.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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