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Don’t Leave Your Tablet at Home: 7 Reasons to take it On the Go

Does your tablet sit on your nightstand collecting dust day after day? There’s no reason it has to sit around doing nothing. Your tablet can give you so much more than a place to keep all of your books. With all of the apps you can now download on your tablet, including games, work programs, videos, music, and movies, you can use your tablet for so many reasons, even when you’re on-the-go. Here are seven reasons to take your tablet with you when you leave the house.

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To Help You Pass the Time

How many times have you gone to an appointment only to sit around for a half-hour or more? If you bring your tablet with you, you can spend that time reading your book, working, taking notes, or even playing a game. There are plenty of apps available on tablets that will help you pass the time until your name is called. This is great for anytime you find yourself sitting around waiting. Bring your tablet with you to your kids’ practices, doctor appointments, when you’re having your car serviced, and waiting for the kids to get out of school on car-pool days.

To Help You Catch up on Work

With more and more WiFi hotspots, you can easily take your tablet with you at lunch, on breaks, or to get away for a while. Not only does this provide you with more reading time, but it also provides a great opportunity to get caught up on work. Imagine all the work you can catch up on during your lunch so you won’t have to bring it home that night. However, if you do find you need to bring your work home, your tablet is the perfect place to keep all of your notes and files in one place. Wherever you are when you’re working on a file or project, you’ll be working on it on one device, and keep it updated in the same place.

To Help You Write Your Book

Tablets are great for working on your current manuscript. You can download a copy of your latest draft to your tablet and read it in an actual book format. This will help you find errors more easily, as well as formatting issues you may need to fix. You can even pass it around to friends or coworkers and ask their opinions, when you’re ready. Tablets provide editing features, such as bookmarks and highlighters, to mark passages you need to fix. You can also take notes on another app, and keep your work together in one place. By keeping it all together on your tablet, you can work it from wherever you are.

To Keep Up-to-Date on News Events

Is there a news story you’ve been following closely? If you bring your tablet with you when you have to leave the house, you can keep track of the progress of the story while you’re gone. Many apps keep you informed of popular news stories, and updated on the latest happenings. You can also use your tablet to keep up-to-date on a movie you’ve been watching or wanted to watch. There are also weather apps you can install on your tablet so you’ll never have to wonder what the weather will be like at your location. You can also use it to find your location, get driving directions, keep up-to-date on detours, and find restaurants or gas stations near you.

To Make Sure You Always have Your Notes with You

Imagine being called into an impromptu office meeting to discuss your latest case, client, or project. If you keep all of your notes and records on your tablet, you’ll have them right at your fingertips when this meeting is called. Think of how good you’ll look when you can walk into that meeting and report on everything you’ve done for the project so far. You can even access visual aids for the meeting right from your tablet. And during the meeting, you can add notes directly to the file on your tablet so it’s always updated. When you’re away from work, you’ll have all the notes with you if you need to look something up.

To Keep Your Kids Entertained

If you’re going on a long car trip, you can bring your tablet with you to keep your kids entertained. Before you leave, download some of their favorite movies, books, and games. Once you’re on the road, they can watch, read, or play their favorites and stay entertained for hours. It may even be possible to get through an entire trip without anyone saying, “Are we there yet?” And the great thing about using a tablet is they can share it. Download games they can play together, movies they both like to watch, and episodes of their favorite television shows.

To Keep Yourself Entertained

You can use your tablet to keep yourself entertained too, when out and about or on a trip. If you fly or take the bus, your tablet provides plenty of entertainment to keep you from getting bored and restless. Even if you can’t use your WiFi while on the plane, as long as you download books, movies, music, and apps before you leave, your tablet will have them stored and ready for you to access them, without the need for WiFi. Check out the app store on your tablet and download some entertainment for yourself. Keep plenty of them up-to-date so they’ll always be ready for you when you’re ready for them. There are many excellent gaming tablets out there, just make sure you get the best one for your needs.”

These seven reasons to take your tablet with you on the go should show you how many applications your tablet can provide you. It’s not just a great place to keep eBooks anymore. The latest tablets can hold so many different types of apps for work, home, school, and fun. Play around with the different apps available for your tablet, then pack it up, and take it with you. You may just discover that you can’t live without it.

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I am fun loving guy, addicted to gadgets, technology and web design.


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